Music is an art and a lot of people tend to forget that with music. A lot of us take it for granted in a way, and so do other bands sometimes. Forgettting the reason we all enjoy music. It invokes a feeling. Maybe a thought, a memory and for many of us, inspiration. This is a band that doesnt forget that. Music should bring up feelings and emotions because thats how we connect. Music is universal and this band keeps to that end while reinventing what we "know" and tend to believe is rock music. Breaking the mold. Rock n roll was about mixing different genres to get a message across audiences. Monsoon is exactly what their name says. A brutal storm, tearing across the land. Sharks with friggen lazer beams attached to their heads. This is the storm everyones been waiting and preparing for. Fuckin Monsoon. PERIOD. -Sincerely, the guy on the couch