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Om Creation Studio’s debut album “The Way” by Hui Ward, a New York songwriter and singer with world renown Indian Violinist and Bansuri Artist H.N. Bhaskar and Pravin Godkhindi, introduces a new sound to the music industry with its universal heart-opening quality beyond the existing devotional music genres including gospel, soul, blues, and Indian bajans. The music, lyrics, and chords in the album were inspired by Hui Ward’s travel around the globe seeking “The Way” to world peace. They were manifested via improvisations after her daily yoga practice in Mysore, India. The chronological order of the enclosed twelve songs happened to coincide with the sequential order of the twelve keys starting with B major on December 21. The lyrics are mostly in English with a mixture of Sanskrit and French in a call and response format about her dialogue with the Universal Mother, the origin of all creations. Through Hui’s sincere callings for the Universal Mother to show us the way, this album captures the heart-opening moments from universal human experiences to light “The Way” to our inner peace and world peace. With its refreshing sound beyond the east-west divide, “The Way” takes audience on a homecoming journey to the primordial sound of Om that precedes the world of matter. This new sound marks the beginning of a world with a new consciousness where human unity is a ground reality. 紐約自創歌手回我的心靈之路試著探索人生何去何從.這張專辑包涵了英文,梵文, 與法文的歌詞以及十二種音調和音符組合. 這十二首歌曲的旋律和歌詞是由她每日在瑜珈練習後的心靈之音即席創作出的代表作. 人生之途是一段促進我們身心靈演化的歷程. 經由造物主與人類的對話,人類逐漸進化成天人和一的新物種.當人類實現我們的天賦潛能時就是天地合一與萬物皆自得的新時代.透過一個自我對答的糢示,心靈之路以東西合併的融一風格表達印度傳統聲樂與黑人靈歌的虔誠與奉獻的心意和感受使聽眾能借由音樂達到瑜珈與冥想對身心靈的正面影響. I stumbled upon this album and listened to the samples and was blown away by the intimacy and the presence in her voice. I just had to buy it. There’s an openness there that feels like she’s singing directly to me. The instruments used on this album are quite nice and unique. It’s got an international feel….kind of like ***** meets Hindustani and carnatic music. I am definitely going to recommend this to my friends. My favorites: “The Way”, “Flow Like the Twig in the River” and “When Your heart is Open”. Beyond borders. Beyond words…Wow. Keihatsu “Your music is divine, love, and light!” Chiara Castellan, Zurich, Switzland “I am getting teary eyed listening to your soul lightening lifting up music. Beautiful! You just reconfirmed to me, that we are all connected!” Elizabeth Bereza, New Mexico, U.S.A.