- 歌曲
- 时长
I wrote this song in 2008 in a caravan on the far north coast of scotland. If you need inspiration to write anything - this is the place to be for my part. It is on my album 'Change the world' which is obtainable on CD from rhythmshop productions. 'Rolling Stone' contains references to one of my favourite rock bands from the 60's and 70's which is where the title comes from. If you're reading this Mick/ Keith etc...Man, thanks for those wonderful tunes and happy memories. I saw the stones live at Bernabeu football stadium, Madrid in 1983/4 it was forty degrees and there was nothing to drink in the place except water that was taken from a supply pipe to the toilets which had been ripped off the wall by the fans!!!, it was so hot, the roadies were hosing down the fans from the stage. It grew dark suddenly just prior to the stones performance and it began to rain so hard, the roadies were now having to sweep the storm water off of the stage! Then lightning flashes across the stadium thunder bursts explode above us. The crowd are mad from waiting and p...d off because they think they will have to wait even longer when suddenly, Jagger bursts onto the stage singing 'Jumping jack flash'....wowowowowowo!!! Never seen anything like that ever before or since... a real one off. Cheers guyses! here is my little party stomp in recognition of those lovely days....ahhhh Song crew: Jeff Mason Vox and Gtrs, Chris Marshall piano and keyboard brass, Morris Windsor drums, Colin Smoothie Bass, Alan H Davies, occasional gtr chords..Ha! (see you did get a mention) Engineered by John Mason, mixed and mastered in Tonge, Scotland by Jeff Mason I would like to thank: My son, John Mason - himself a brilliant composer and musician as well as an excellent engineer. The Smoothies, good friends and wonderfully professional and passionate about the music, Chris Marshall, a good friend, fantastic keyboard player, composer and arranger and all the people who let me crashh at their houses whilst I was roaming about the country recording. I love you alll even more than you know...thanks to, Alan H Davies for 'tabbing' the song for the smoothies and for all the hard work he put in on the album, one of the nicest people on the planet.. big awww again. And thanks to all those wonderful internet people who may listen to the track and even purchase it. PLEASE help to change the world by expressing your appreciation of all things we inherit from this wonderful planet by giving a few bob to some environmental charity or other. Go in Love and Peace as you cast your shadows on the world. Jeff Mason 29/2/2012