- 歌曲
- 时长
All songs written by Our Anthem Produced by Simon Bint Co-Produced by James Collins Recorded by Our Anthem at Red Wall Studio Mixed and Mastered by James Collins at Grizzly Studios Lead vocals by Simon Bint Vocal arrangements by Hayley Ashwood and Simon Bint Back up vocals by Hayley Ashwood, David Chidgzey and Simon Bint Electric guitars by Callum Bint, David Chidgzey and Simon Bint Acoustic guitars by Simon Bint Bass by David Chidgzey Drums by Andrew Field (except ‘No Other Name’ by Daine Spowart) Keyboards and Synths by Mason Vellios and Simon Bint Percussion by Simon Bint and Andrew Field Design by Andrew Field for redliquorice.com.au Photography by Jake Leicester Our Anthem is a group of writers, musicians and worshipers from Perth, Western Australia creating songs that bring worshipers together to give glory to our God as well as building Jesus’ Church. Our Anthem would like to thank: The wonderful people who have generously given their time and talent to make this recording possible. Jesus, our Lord, for whom we write and play. You, the listener, singer, worshiper and creative cohort, thank you for supporting our creative expression. You are central to what we do and the reason why we are called ‘Our’ Anthem. We hope that you are encouraged and perhaps inspired to explore our Creator and to keep being creative; however that might look or sound or feel. As For Us We are Your witness Jesus In the place where we live You make Your home within us We belong to the King May Your love define us May our lives shine The Light The hope of every nation The Saviour Jesus Christ Father God let Your kingdom arise Healing for the broken and sight for the blind Shine Your light in us As for us As for this house, we will serve You Lord Build in us A growing passion, to love and honour You God As we lift You up By Your Spirit’s power May the lost be redeemed Bring revival here This land belongs to the King As the darkness trembles Your light fans into flame Hearts afire with passion Declaring Jesus’ name God we pray that our land would be healed Ruins rebuilt and Jesus revealed Shine Your light in us On this day in our mission field We stand to be counted As Your church, may we shine with The Light As Your glory is ever rising No Other Name You are Lord, You are the Lord our God Holy One all Your ways are just You are good and You are good to us Risen King You live and reign in us We’re found in Christ, You are our righteousness You are love and You’re enough for us Sing for joy you heavens, our God is good Shout aloud you earth to our Creator King Burst into song you mountain peak No other name brings our hearts to sing Forrest deep spring up with praise all you trees Jesus Christ has saved, yes He has redeemed Sing it out you Bride, the Saviour King Calls out to us that we return to Him You say for the lost that are to come ‘Bring my sons and daughter from afar’ Let the nations come before You Jesus The name by which we’re saved Let nothing hold back the ones to come Throw wide the gates, sing of His love May our witness be a life of worship Abandoned to Your praise Our God Alive In Us Come before the cross of love Lay down your heavy load Find rest in Jesus Christ The Lord shall renew our strength On eagle’s wings we will rise Come into His courts with praise Give thanks, bless His name Find hope in Jesus Christ We live in Him, our God of love The hope of glory, Christ in us Our God has sent His Son In Him death is overcome Our God has made a way Jesus is our victory Wherever we go We take with us this hope We go with Christ our Rock We go with God alive in us Oh God is good Our God is love Our God with us Come before our God of grace Amazing love He took our place Endured the cross to bring us life We’re found in Him, we’re made alive To the Risen King let praise arise Be Glorified Be glorified in our praise In our praise we exalt You Be glorified in our love In our love we adore You Be lifted high as we bow As we bow at the glory of Your name Be lifted high King of kings Lord of lords, our Emanuel Rejoice Neither height nor depth could keep us from our God No shame or debt now remains for we are in Christ This unwavering truth that the world cannot take That the risen Jesus has saved us by grace Our God is good, our God is love Emmanuel our God with us In our joy and in the storm we rejoice in the Lord Emmanuel our God with us Our joy is in Jesus, our cup overflows With Your spirit to strengthen You’ve called us to go To our world that is broken, as a witness of Your love Make disciples of nations, share the good news of our God We’re found in You, we have a new life We’re dead to sin and made alive in Christ Rejoice, the grave could not hold Him Rejoice, our Jesus is risen Rejoice, His grace it has found us Rejoice, in our rock and our salvation Our Anthem Let praise resound The earth cries out to You Our God the Rock Jesus the Risen One We shout it out This anthem we’re singing loud You have rescued us Father the Saving One We are one Alive in Christ We’re children of the Father God We’re found in Him and we belong Your very life it lives in us We have a Saviour, Christ who came We have the victory in His name We have a reason that we sing Our anthem is Jesus Christ our King We are one, one with Jesus Christ One hope in this life The hope of glory Christ in us We are one, united in our praise United in His name We’re found in Him and we belong