

  • 流派:流行
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2014-08-29
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Remember WEEP’s self titled album WEEP? Remember where you were when you first heard it? Oh, the sweet nostalgia! Well it’s back before it arrived!  Released for the first time again, WEEP’s classic album WEEP is finally available Digitally and on Compact Disc You don’t get it, do you? You’re thinking “Is this a new album, or an old album I missed?” The answer is “YES!” Ya see, releasing a new record is a huge pain in the ass. It’s not 1975, and WEEP isn’t KISS. There’s no big hype-machine putting our record on the radio, in the stores, in magazines, on cereal boxes, or in an amusement park that is plagued by a phantom of said amusement park. It’s just WEEP doing this. Producing, recording, and releasing their music all by themselves. A key ring made from a bottle cap that you got on Etsy has more corporate industry behind it than a WEEP album. We knit these things with wool we shaved from our legs! Then we release our wretched, oily, musical sweater into the world. It’s the worst part of making an album, I swear. Maybe you think it’s all Record Release Parties, champagne, pats on the back, and money shooting from your backside? It isn’t. It’s— It’s less than nothing. I mean, really think about it: you work for over a year on this glorious group of songs that mean everything to you. Day in, day out, you craft the perfect album as if it were some filthy secret, desperately waiting for the moment that you can share it. Then you put it into the world and wait for something to happen. Something that says, “Your child has been accepted.” No such letter arrives. You’re met with mainly indifference. A universal “so what” that buckles you over like a punch to the pants. Then, if you are lucky, the reviews. A knee jerk opinion that hangs around forever, coming up every time someone sticks their finger down Google's throat. We want to avoid all that crap. We want our record to be past all that idiocy, and on to just being accepted for what it is. All the people that get it have gotten it. All the people that don’t want it have forgotten it. It’s a warm, comfortable part of our lives. But how can you do that without a time machine? Here is our solution: A fabulist assertion!  WEEP’s new album was released a long time ago. WEEP is a classic now! Sure, when it first came out there were some bad reviews, like: “WEEP doesn’t ‘Feat.’ anybody. It doesn’t even ‘Ft.’ anybody. How can you have an album that doesn’t feature someone? That’s fucking crazy!” and “WEEP’s new record sucks because it isn’t exactly like their old record. I don’t like change. It’s scary and it makes me uncomfortable.” and “I’m not sure what genre this is from. I don’t like things that don’t travel in packs.” and “It’s over produced. There’s so much effort on it. Why do people try? Doesn’t that make failure hurt more?” and “It sounds almost like this list of my personal references. But it fails to be them, because it was not made to be them. I want it to be them. I’m disappointed.” But that was so long ago. People have come around and accepted WEEP as its own thing. The nonexistent hype has died down, the expectations no longer color our desire, and we have become familiar with WEEP’s old/last/new record. The reviews are now: “What? You don’t have WEEP? What the fuck?” and “Please, I lost my virginity to that album. It’s like a masterpiece. You would totally love it.” “Wait, you never heard WEEP? Okay, no, not the band, dillweed! The album! You of all people need that in your collection.” and “Oh my god, I just got back into the album WEEP. Yeah, it totally holds up. Sounds like it was recorded yesterday.”

