Debussy: Prelude a l'apres midi d'un faune etc & Ravel: Bolero etc

Debussy: Prelude a l'apres midi d'un faune etc & Ravel: Bolero etc


This suggests that we could expect very personal (and even, perhaps, a bit eccentric) accounts of these works, and that is what we get. There are subtle variations in dynamics and phrasings, momentary hesitancies, a feeling of freedom (within the confines of superb technique and years of familiarity) that makes this recording, one one hand, very special, yet, on the other, probably not the first choice for the uninitiated. (It seems to be almost universally agreed that Paul Jacobs is the first choice, and, indeed, he is superb.) However, if you like the Preludes, and, frankly, if you think you've heard them a few too many times, Roge's set will be an excellent antidote. His approach offers the refreshingly intimate commentary of a master, after long years of study.
