Past Sounds EP

Past Sounds EP

  • 流派:Electronic 电子
  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2022-11-30
  • 类型:Single


//HLR021&NTS006// ||Past Sounds EP|| Past no longer the same 过去时光不再 Voice of memory flows in ears 记忆中的声音流淌耳畔 Pastsounds awakens my life again 再唤我的新生 ——由HLR跃动记录与NTS自然构造联动的EP"Past Sounds"已正式发行。 1. "If only I..." - Emotion No.41 ———————————————— When I woke up 当我苏醒之时 The world is already fragmented 世界已经支离破碎 Lost notes 消失的音符 Whether to regain new life 是否能重获新生 If only I am left in the world 如果世界还剩下我一人 I hope that this moment will not be eternal 我希望,此刻,不将会是永恒 2. "Until The Road Lamp is Lit" - Konvektion ———————————————— The night slowly envelops the city 夜晚慢慢的笼罩着这座城市 Along the silent street 沿着寂静的街道 Walking tirelessly 不知疲倦地行走 Until The Road Lamp is Lit 直到路灯亮起 This neon world just appears before our eyes 这霓虹般的世界才浮现在我们眼前 ##专辑策划:FXB1RD/SAKANSON## ##文案设计:SAKANSON/CARMOLENS/FXB1RD## ##封面设计:CARMOLENS## ##母带师:Nil## //Hilarity Leap Records & Natural Structure 2022 Released//
