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Which Rock band doesn?t secretly dream of having the luxury of re-recording the classics of their own history ? of which some are 20 years old with the antiquated sound of that era ? and rearranging them and with the help of today?s modern technology, giving them the sound quality to which the listener now demands. The Hanover Hard Rock band Victory have managed to fulfil this musical dream and now present on Fuel To The Fire (working title)an illustrious collection of their greatest hits in an exciting and top actual sound format. 12 masterpieces, presenting loads of surprises and exciting changes but never diluting the originality of the previous versions of the songs. Alongside this, a brand new, never before released track Felt It Coming` ties the traditional to the actual Victory of anno 2005 and so proving with Fuel To The Fire, how timeless their song material really is. Ergo: Including the new track, all are classics and now with a new shine. Not only have the musicians Tommy Newton (guitar), Hermann Frank (guitar), Peter Fargopedda` Knorn (bass) and Fritz Randow (drums) taken this step, but they?ve even gone a step further: On Fuel To The Fire they present their new front man Jioti Parcharidis, who has already proved himself under fire on the Victory stage and easily equalled the shining vocal qualities of infamous predecessors such as Charlie Huhn or Fernando Garcia. Jioti Parcharidis was already a known name in the metal scene as the singer of the melodic metal formation Human Fortress and is now the man who ties together the Victory of old to the Victory of the future. Fuel To The Fire is produced by the guitarists Tommy Newton and Herman Frank in the Area 51`-Studio, Celle, Germany. That the Newton/Frank combination in their double role as Producers and composers/guitarists from Victory naturally give a special elan to the work, doesn?t really need to be mentioned. Therefore Victory?s Fuel To The Fire is well described in it?s title: The most important songs from their band history in a new sound quality ? in short: Happy Hour!