
  • 流派:Rap/Hip Hop
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2022-02-10
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:EP


由政大黑音第六届制作的全新EP《黯》,词曲创作皆由六届干部自编自写;专辑内容丰富且充满着初出茅庐的野望与桀骜不驯的骨气,透过撮合四种迥异的曲风,展现出多元的嘻哈风貌。虽是社团传统「年度Cypher」的延续,却以新的作法推翻过去既有的形式,将整个企划分成四部曲,在曲风推进的同时阐述着社员们不同阶段的心境转变 —— 带着自「黯」处磨练出的本领,誓言成为众人目光交会的焦点。 NCCU Afro Music Club is coming to its sixth glorious year with a brand new extended play — DUSK. The mini album contained four completely different styles of hip-hop, from lyrics to beat, all originally written and made by the club members, giving away exciting new flavors to the classic yearly cypher. As the genres and beats switch, the members are showing the world what they have in their sleeves before the dawn comes up.
