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CAROLINA MARRELLI BIO Carolina Marrelli was living her own version of the American dream. Newly married, a new home owner and a working a good job at a Miami advertising agency, her personal and professional life was only a little white picket fence short of what most would consider ideal for a girl in her late 20s. Still, in spite of it all, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was called to something more. Through months of prayer, she began sensing her life was about to take a different direction altogether. “I woke up one day and I jumped out of bed and the Lord said, ‘It’s time.’ I knew.” After years working as a successful graphic designer, the time came to channel an old dream to design a new life course altogether. She began making plans, turned in her notice and cleaned out her desk, exchanging her steady job for a less certain path. “I knew that’s what the Lord was asking me to do. In the world’s perspective, it’s probably the stupidest thing I could have ever done, but I know that’s what the Lord was asking of me, to go into ministry,” she said. “I knew I was called into music. I had nothing to assure me at all. I had to completely obey the Lord. “ She had been leading worship at her church for years, but feeling she needed some more professional training, Carolina enrolled in a music ministry school based out of London that happened to be partnering with a school in the United States for a season. The pieces to a new life path and the calling she felt in her heart were aligning. But great callings rarely come without adversity. “Two days after I leave my job, I find out the school has been postponed. I was like ‘God, did I miss You?’ I went on vacation and I remember sitting on the beach crying out to God asking, ‘What am I supposed to do now? I just left my job,’” she recalled. “Everything I had been sure of completely crumbled under my feet. And the Lord said ‘Just trust Me, just trust Me’”. The months that followed proved to be a gut-check for her faith and her calling, a time of reassessing her plans. “I felt like God was telling me to keep preparing to go to school, keep preparing,” she said. “I spent all my days studying music, practicing, taking lessons. My husband and I both felt the same thing, ‘We’re going to go.’” After six months of honing her craft inside the walls of her own home, she got the call she’d been waiting for. School was back on. At the school, she received instruction in both ministry and music. After an intensive season of classes and training, she had all the practical tools she needed to pursue her calling. Carolina began leading worship locally at churches, conferences, retreats and coffeehouses. But it was in her personal worship time that her debut album “Come Away” emerged. “It wasn’t something that I planned. The songs all came out of my personal time with the Lord, just crying out to God,” she said. “I would just pick up my guitar and start worshipping and these just songs came out. I wasn’t sitting down to record an album. It just happened to be the way God orchestrated things.” Channeling the lessons she was learning from life and faith, the songs unfolded as a snapshot of a season in which greater purposes emerged … a message first to herself, then to others. “The Lord was literally just calling me to come away for a season to deal with some deep wounds that I’d never let Him heal and just learn more about Him,” she said. “And I learned, if you come away with the Lord, if you choose to separate yourself for a season with the Lord, lay everything down, and let him expose every area of darkness in your life, you will be set free. You will not be the same person.” It’s a message that permeates the album and comes from a personal place in the songwriter’s heart. She hopes people will come away challenged and changed from listening to the songs in the same way she was from writing them. “I would love for everyone to hear the call of the Lord, ‘Come away with Me. I love you. Come away, I want to heal you.’ That’s the cry of my heart with this,” she said. “I will be so happy if one person happens to hear a song and has a breakthrough. It’s about cultivating that relationship with the Lord before anything else.”