Mills, Vol. 6: Interbeing

Mills, Vol. 6: Interbeing

  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


"Barry Mills Volume 6 encompasses a wide range of delicate, sensitive music inspired by his interaction with nature and his emotional life, which leads us into a world of wonder and magic. His works are performed with great enthusiasm by all the musicians on these recordings and his music is becoming widely known internationally. Recordings of his orchestral pieces and concertos with the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra on the CD “Elan Valley” released in March 2018 received glowing reviews, and further orchestral recordings are planned by Claudio in the near future. ""Mills has guaranteed one thing few can claim, even some of the biggest names, and that is well nigh perfect recording quality. Listening to these beautifully crafted works, full of the most delicate and attractive orchestral effects has been an easy job for this reviewer. Mills does not believe in making life uncomfortable for the audience in that these pieces, though clearly modern, are never raucous or noisy, and indeed often have a very tuneful quality."
