Album Title Goes Here

Album Title Goes Here

  • 流派:Rock 摇滚
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2009-01-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑


From a top-secret location, tucked-away in a sound-proof chamber teetering several stories above the Atlantic Ocean comes FINGER, flying at you in a blaze of twisted exaltation. This debut album, packed with juicy, disco-inspired, funk-rock anthems forces the listener to fully appreciate what ever happened to the exhilarating, dynamic synthesizer solos of 1970’s avant-progressive rock movement. Peppered with Frank Zappa flavors, this smart compilation takes you on an amusing, sarcastic, irreverent expedition through the curious world of its creators. Finger is Jeff and Deza. All music is created one track at a time and painstakingly layered and mixed for your pleasure. All likeness to any person living or dead in any of Finger’s songs is purely coincidental with the exception of the Letter to Bob, which was a genuine attempt to persuade the prodigious Robert Heazlit to enter the world of competitive air guitar playing. Unfortunately, to date, Bob has not competed in any air guitar contests.
