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Bret Alexander (formerly of the Badlees) is a tireless performer (260 shows in 2016) and producer. His Saturation Acres recording studio has delivered quality services to hundreds of artists. TWO SOULS IN FLIGHT is Bret's third acoustic album of the lyrics of Lex Zaleta, following up the successful THE PLEASURES THAT LAST and INTO MY LIFE. From the pure poetry of "Amontillado Walls" (No one is listening / No one hears / As my last lonesome moan falls / Upon the cold and stone-deaf ears / Of these Amontillado Walls) to the raucous humor of "Life Is So Daily" (Kidnapped at birth by Mexican bandits / First they fueled the fire and then they fanned it / Guess they cooked my goose and then they canned it / Life is so daily, I just can't stand it), TWO SOULS IN FLIGHT will carry you on a delightful journey (made even more pleasure-filled with Bret's superb guitar, mandolin, and harmonica work).