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In his second release, Chuck Maiden trims down the arrangements a bit and digs a little deeper into feeling and groove. Maiden comments, "I called the album 'Adobe", because while I was making it, I was reading a book about the history of The San Fernando Valley and images of various adobes kept cropping up. Also, it's been a very domestic year for me, raising our new daughter Mackenzie with my wife Paulette. The word 'adobe' to me conjures up images of earth, home and hearth as well as simplicity. And I think that applies to this collection of songs." "Adobe" was produced, and performed by Chuck Maiden and Todd Chapman, who engineered in his Hollywood studio. Todd played bass, drums, keyboards and a couple of guitar solos, while Maiden covered the vocals and guitars. Upon listening, one would think a full band was performing with its own distinct style, but it's really two guys doing it all. Chuck turned to collaborator, Bill Reveles for lyrical contributions on four of the songs, "Don't Give Up", "Lost In Her Garden", "Man Inside The Moon" and "Black River". CM: "In the case of 'Black River', the title had been floating around for a while in my head when one day, I finally said to myself, 'well, let's see if this goes anywhere'. The first thing I played on the guitar was the two note hook in the chorus. The rest flowed from there. To me the song seemed to point to feelings of deep regret or a need to move on. Bill took the lyrics to an amazing and unexpected place dealing with the life of a gun being passed from generation to generation. It really seemed to work. I love what Bill can do with lyrics." One can hear strains of Buffalo Springfield and even Arthur Lee's Love in Maiden's music. These were two formative influences on him as well as The Beatles and The Who. In the end, Chuck Maiden does it his way, with respectful, yet subconscious nods to those who have gone before in the fields of folk-rock and pop. CM: "I don't know what else to do but write, play and sing in a way that's comfortable and moving to me."