Michael White Trio Sonata (2008) [World Premiere Recording]

Michael White Trio Sonata (2008) [World Premiere Recording]


The Trio Sonata was a very popular genre born in the Baroque period. Composers from many different countries wrote for this chamber ensemble, usually made up of two violins, cello, and harpsichord. Four contrasting movements were the norm, often arranged as slow - fast - slow - fast. Finally, the famous composers of these works (Bach, Corelli, Couperin, etc.) always tried to create a balance between serious counterpoint and lyrical expression. Taking all these elements into consideration, I have tried to emulate the Baroque Trio Sonata here -- along with some 21rst century modifications. For example, instead of using two violins I have chosen a violin and a flute as the melodic instruments. I have eliminated the cello, but I kept the most essential instrument of that older era -- the harpsichord. The most obvious differences that the listener will perceive are found in the harmonies and rhythms of our own time. Otherwise, if I have been at all successful, the listener will hear a "modern" version of this popular 18th century genre. - Michael White
