"For only three people to create a sound so rich, each one must contribute mightily in his own right. The band builds each song layer upon layer towards crescendos that are deeply satisfying. Vassals are purveyors of the kind of indie rock that starts soft, but inspires frenetic excitement with every chorus – their live show must be a pretty raucous party." - Stewart Hendricks The HY.GEN.IC "From start to finish, Vassals’ songs often grow in intensity from buoyant initial verses to bruising choruses, though upon close listening underneath a structure of pop melody remains. Even in the caustic, feedback-drenched choruses there is that insulating force of hummable melodies, channelling the charged energy of the songs like those overhead power lines carrying electricity across the country. " - Dan Varley Disaffected Prep "...this album showcases the band's incredible ability to layer moods and build an original sound from a handful of classic genres. There are hints of dusty classic rock, bursts of indie melodies, splashes of garage rock, and a collage of instrumentals that help shape each track into a unique and vivid experience. We'd try to pick out favorite, but each of these eight tracks is a highlight in their own right." -PureVolume