This Journey...

This Journey...

  • 流派:New Age 新世纪
  • 语种:其他
  • 发行时间:2017-09-24
  • 类型:录音室专辑
  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


“There is something for everyone” is often a recycled phrase which may or may not be exact. However, in the case of “This Journey…” it is spot on! Choral music, anthems, Sunday morning material, concert selections, ensemble pieces, alter call repertoire, worship music, and even shout music- This anointed catalogue comprises a gamut of genres, styles, seasons and flavors! This is the kind of CD you will need to listen to from start to finish. Get ready to clap, shout, wave your hands, and shake your head. The music has the power to resuscitate, revitalize, restore, refresh, reawaken, reinforce, and recover. Get ready to go on “This Journey…” Pastor Terrance L. Kennedy is New York City native. His writing is passionate, innovative, and soul stirring. Rich with lyrical content, lush harmonies, modulations, musical depth, and power, this CD is filled non-stop wonderful surprises. “This Journey…” is a compilation of his originals! Pastor Terrance L. Kennedy is a modern day King David as he is a pastoring, singing, preaching composer who plays instruments unto the Lord. Whether singing, orating, or conducting, Pastor Terrance L. Kennedy is going to take you along “This Journey…” with range, zest, fervor, and anointing. Listen to “Help Me to Sing Glory,” “Ya’ Gotta’ Know Jesus,” “Jesus, Such a Beautiful Name,” “I Can,” and “Herbie’s Praise.” Pastor Kennedy with mic in hand is going to bless you real good! Herbert Sayles, Jr. is just anointed, gifted and brilliant! He is Pastor Kennedy’s musical partner for “This Journey…” Mr. Sayles is a band all by himself and the orchestrations are evident of his touch. With genuineness, creativity, and sensitivity, he colors and spices the band arrangements with details that are so musical, so smooth and so rich. As you listen to this CD, enjoy the Herbert Sayles, Jr. experience. Mr. Sayles is a native of Brooklyn, New York. Further, the additional featured artists on this project are unbelievable! First of all, there is Pastor Beverly Crawford, a native Floridian, National Gospel Recording Artist and Power House vocalist! My Lord, this lady NEVER disappoints. “Ya Gotta Know Jesus,” rocks, jams, and convicts all in one song! Beverly Crawford expertly leads the choir and full band into a new zone of exaltation. She is a jewel, Gospel veteran and she is killing it! With her distinct gift, out of this world music ability, and mind-blowing energy, you too are going to be singing and telling everyone you know, “Ya Gotta’ Know Jesus!” Tavia Aisha Davila-Kea is featured on “I’ll Take Him at His Word.” This lady’s soprano is crystal, sizzling and sincere! For real y’all, this is a singing woman! She sings up the treble clef effortlessly and with precision. Take a listen as she and the choir convinces you thoroughly- to simply take God at His word! Tavia is native of Washington DC, and Pastor Terrance L. Kennedy’s cousin. Music must be a family trait! Then there is this phenomenal trio- Charlene Holloway of Philadelphia, PA, Anita Jackson of St. Louis, MO, and LaTasha Spencer Jordan of NYC, NY. These three ladies are the type of singers who singers listen to. To call it like it is- they are “vocal beasts!” What they execute naturally, smoothly, and easily would take many others hours of preparation to achieve. “Blessed be the Name” is the track they are singing. You’ve been warned- prepare yourself for take-off! Joshua Sommerville of Gaitherburg, Maryland is the featured pianist on the track entitled, “He That Dwelleth.” The agility and skills in the man’s hands is extraordinary. Technique is impressive. However, technique and anointing is yoke destroying. Mr. Sommerville plays powerfully, expressively, and with a beautiful and unique style of his own. Take a listen to hear the piano speak! Austin Medearis simply “opens the doors of the church!” With range and clarity, he sings this plea and delivers it honestly, melodiously, and so passionately, that is stirs, convicts, and touches hearts. Please experience the track “Just Come” for yourself! Mr. Medearis is a native of Austin, Texas and currently resides in New York. Raymond Kevin Alford is one of the cleanness, precise vocalist among us! His musicianship is impressive and his passion is unquestionable! With sincerity, anointing, and a contemporary flair, he leads the choir in the track entitled, “Last Desire.” Experience this tune for yourself. You’ll be so glad you did because it’s beautiful! Mr. Alford is a native of New York who currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Last but not least, in memory of the late Rev. Henry Vincent Harrison the track entitled, “Riverside” is dedicated to him. Rev. Harrison was a pillar in this ministry. We can’t and never will forget him! Only heaven will heal the void we feel without him. Take a listen to this song. It is the last recording he made. How prophetic and how apropos it is that his voice has been captured singing about the joy of heaven where we’ll study war no more! Rev. Harrison was a native of New York who now resides absent from the body and present with the Lord!
