Rachel Stott: Odysseus and the Sorceress

Rachel Stott: Odysseus and the Sorceress

  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


Odysseus and the Sorceress is a retelling of stories from Homer’s Odyssey in words and music by English composer Rachel Stott. Featuring virtuosic violin and viola playing from period instrument specialists Catherine Martin and John Crockatt, beautifully accompanied by theorbist Alex McCartney and The English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble, the instrumental tracks illustrate Odysseus’s adventures as he crosses the Mediterranean in search of his homeland. Actor Abe Buckoke tells the stories in English with Maria Telnikoff providing lines in the original Ancient Greek. Their narration is interwoven with music played on renaissance flute, alto sackbut, viola d’amore and aeolian harp.
