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Universe Melody Presents CD MUSIC FOR CREATIVE VISUALIZATION: Instru-Mental Bring Baby into a peaceful world, soft light, beautiful music of FRANCE by Mr Kie You need to finish a project ? Listen to "Creative Visualization" music of France by Mr Kie Reach the perfect state of mind for acupuncture sessions Ideal for anxious patients. Anne Creissel (Acupunctor, Ostheopathy ) , FRANCE Your Patient are anxious and afraid? Soothe them with Relaxation Music of France by Mr Kie The patients are soothed, the staff is up and calm, the doctor can concentrate to do his best. Afraid of Dentists, take your headset and listen to Relaxatin Music by Mr Kie and relax throughout the appointment The amazing powerful relaxation tool for your office. Dr Elise Feinstein (Dentist) USA The music score is published by Universe Melody,llc. All the Universe Melody Team hopes you'll enjoy ! Universe Melody, LLC