

  • 流派:Rap/Hip Hop
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2021-06-26
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:EP


来自街头的我,一切都是从滑板开始… 从上学时接触滑板,到从滑板视频背景音乐听到说唱,迷恋上说唱,再到自己做说唱,都是因滑板而开始。 As Known As 玄朗Truck———Truck是滑板里支架桥的意思,而滑板就是我与说唱音乐,bbox以及街头文化之间的桥梁。 [ 所以,这张EP是我对起始于街头,回溯的表达。] “滑板、音乐、hiphop之间有很多共通的地方,我从不觉得滑板、说唱、DJ、涂鸦以及所有被这个世界上大部分人认为来自街头的奇怪少年都是特立独行的存在。 我们,只是找到了属于自己在这个世界存在和表达的方式而已。” So,这张EP我尝试以滑手的视角,以说唱为表达,阐述和诠释对于街头精神的理解以及对于这个世界的态度。 Come from the street, everything starts from skateboarding From contact with skateboard in school, to listening to rap from skateboard video background music, infatuated with rap, to doing rap by oneself, all started with skateboard. As known as xuanlang truck is a bridge in skateboard, and skateboard is a bridge between me and rap music, bbox and street culture. [so, this EP is my expression of starting from the street and looking back "Skateboarding, music and hiphop have a lot in common. I never think skateboarding, rap, DJ, graffiti and all the strange teenagers who are considered by most people in the world to be from the street are independent. We just found our own way to exist and express in this world. " So, in this EP, I try to express my understanding of street spirit and my attitude towards the world from the perspective of sliding hands and rap.

