

  • 流派:Rock 摇滚
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2014-09-08
  • 类型:EP


After a busy year on the live circuit, no one sun deliver their highly anticipated follow up to the iconic All We Rely On Is Stolen. A 6 track EP of self-produced indie pop rock that does what it says on the tin, from soaring anthems to punch the air epics to please any festival crowd. The title comes after a remark made on the DR Bones show in Canada that they are quite popular in Bogota and the artwork features, by kind permission, one of the original pencil studies of dancing clergy from UK artist Terry Rushworths ‘El sueño de la razón’. Written, performed & produced by Nick Noone (Lead vocal, guitar, bass, drums) & Jamie Hewson (vocal, guitar, bass, keyboards) with their full live band of Craig Warburton (drums) Nick 'Hank' Moulden (bass) and Gary Faulkner (guitar) =================================================== ALBUM REVIEW: NO ONE SUN – ALL WE RELY ON IS STOLEN March 9, 2013 · by makeitalittlebitlouder =================================================== No One Sun seem to have got things upside down, having written, recorded and released a full debut album before having even played a gig! My question would be “How do you know if an audience is going to like a track without road-testing on the unforgiving live circuit first?” Well I can tell you No One Sun have nothing to fear, the audience will like what these guys have to offer! All We Rely On Is Stolen was released back in January 2013. Along the lines of The Killers when they were the best English indie band to come out of America, before they went all Vegas, No One Sun have an unashamedly big anthemic sound, a hint of US rock combined with British indie melody and a great knack for writing a sing-a-long chorus. First track California has more than a hint of that US rock sound kicking off the album with a chorus you’ll be singing along to before you know it set to a soaring guitar solo that could have come off Hot Fuss. I Don’t Know What To Say To You has a real big expansive sound with strings lifting the track to a euphoric level and another great sing-a-long chorus that you can imagine being sung in a field at a festival somewhere. This is followed by the track which first turned me on to the band, You’ve Changed You Mind Again, there’s a melancholy melodic feel to this track with a glorious chiming guitar hook that swirls around the track being lifted in all the right places by synths and strings with some great vocal harmonies. The Moment sees a change in pace, all atmosphere and slow groove with a tale of love that builds in epic style (it’s nearly 6 minutes long) to a guitar solo full of beautiful effects that soars away with those strings again, reminds of Romeo & Juliet era Dire Straits, possible me favourite track off the album! The title track All We Rely On Is Stolen picks up the pace again with that US rock sound provided by a chunky guitar riff which is supported by a driving bass line and pounding drum beat underpinning the track. The term pop has a stigma attached to it these days thanks to the dross that clogs up the radio and charts, but in its true form pop defines something being popular and in music having a sound that appeals to the masses, No One Sun have that pop sound in terms of all the right elements in the right places and lyrics that you would swear you’d heard before. Two Ships is a perfect example of this sound all vocal harmonies, melodic guitar with a great beat, strings and even some brass in there. To Which I Won’t Dance will defy its title and will definitely have you dancing, with its rhythm section designed to get your feet moving & set to the now trademark vocal harmonies and a spiky angular guitar riff powering the track along. Final track Home is a huge anthem of a song and a great way to close the album taking you on a rollercoaster of a journey dropping and soaring with simple but effective guitar and those strings again creating the euphoric atmosphere but it’s the vocals that stand out on the track, subtle in the verse and then uplifting in the chorus with just the right amount of rock rasp. The production value on this track and the whole album in fact is top draw, the guys are obviously talented musicians who know exactly how to put a track together. It will be interesting to see how this project progresses when they finally get out and play live, with the right support and a little bit of luck I can see this going far. If you like what you hear go and show your support and buy the album! =================================================== INTRODUCING: NO ONE SUN March 9, 2013 · by makeitalittlebitlouder =================================================== It’s strange how things align and come together sometimes, for example: I stumbled across a song on Twitter the other day and was instantly grabbed by it, you know that feeling when you hear the first few bars of a track and you know you’re going to like. I was putting together my February playlist at the time and put the track straight in, the band saw the playlist and got in touch, which brings me to writing this Introducing….. feature, all within the space of a couple of days! So without further ado lets introduce No One Sun. The band are pretty unconventional in that No One Sun are yet to play a live gig but have written, recorded and recently released a full album! They hail from the North West of England with Nick Noone and Jamie Hewson being the brains behind the project. Musically we are talking about well crafted indie/rock tunes with big anthemic chorus’, soaring guitar work and a foot stomping rhythm section. The song I referred to earlier as stumbling on was You’ve Changed Your Mind Again, which is a perfect example of the powerful, driving sound of No One Sun with great harmonies and melodic guitar work. Jamie was kind enough to answer a few questions to introduce you to the band. Q: First up, give us a brief history of how No One Sun came about? A: Well, Nick stood in on bass for the band I was playing in. We instantly clicked, got chatting about music and that we’d both been writing and recording for years. So it was literally: “Lets do something!” “Ok!” Nick and I wrote, performed and produced the album then about half way through the album put a live band together. The name is an amalgamation/tweak of our surnames, but alludes to the fact there are billions and billions of suns out there, with an unfathomable number of planets; in short, you’re a fool if you think we’re alone. Q: How would describe your sound? A: Indie, pop, rock! Q: You’ve just released your debut album, how long did it take to put together? A: It took 21 months. We deliberately didn’t rush it and made sure we were 100% happy with every note, beat, vocal, mix. A perk of doing it all yourself! Q: What sort of reaction have you had to the album? A: Its been overwhelmingly positive and from the most unexpected places too. We’ve had sales in the USA, Mexico, New Zealand, Canada and across Europe which was quite a surprise! We’ve also had global airplay through internet radio. It’s when strangers get in touch and give you a pat on the back that makes it special. Q: How does the song writing process work in the band? A: Nick or myself will generally throw over a riff or an idea and the other will throw it back with something bolted on like another riff or a lyric or vocal hook and we’ll build from there. We both have a huge amount of material we’ve done in the past and will occasionally pull snippets from there we think might work. Then begins the process of honing it until we have something we think works. Who does what varies with the track, never be precious! And it’s true what they say: it’s not what you put in, but what you leave out. Q: What influences you outside of music? A: Outside of music? Probably family and observations, relationships with friends/colleagues. Sometimes something as simple as a nice view, a good book or an overheard phrase can trigger a whole wealth of material. Q: What gigs have you played recently A: Sadly none. In the latter half of 2012 Nick was out of action with a slipped disc in his back and is currently recovering from major surgery after having a vertebra removed. It’s meant we’ve had to take a little time out while he recuperates. Q: What are your plans for 2013? A: Get out giging the album and get the name out there as much as possible. We’ve also started demoing ideas for the next album.

