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My name is Ken Holt. I play Suburban Country Music. SCM is walkin’ the talk country. SCM is music that challenges you (and me too) to look for the light in life, catch the humor in it all, and hold fast to the faith. With SCM each song is a slice of life. Each song is an audible eyeful. In SCM each song sees through what is, and tries to offer a word about what can be. In other words, it’s about HOPE. Sometimes we have it. Sometimes we’ve LOST it. But we always NEED it. My name is Ken Holt. SHOUTING STONES is a collection of songs I’ve lived with for awhile. Some, like Promised Land, were born in the mid-80’s. Each one tells a little bit about me, directly or indirectly, yet each one is about everyone of us who would like to find some useful way to fit into this world. For me, the journey has for a long time involved trudging along with God. That is, I’ve been doing the trudging and God has been doing most of the waiting. But that’s OK. God has waited on lesser men than me. The CD title, SHOUTING STONES, comes from a reference Jesus made once about a bunch of inanimate objects, STONES. He seemed to believe that if everyone else dropped the ball, the stones would come along and pick it up. It occurred to me that if Jesus believed a bunch of dead-pan stones had value and worth and HOPE, well, there just might me HOPE for me too. So, this whole SHOUTING STONES thing works for me. I can relate, as they say. I’d like to be one. Check out Do What U Can Do. That seems to be the song that has gotten the most attention. After all, doing what you can do is really ALL you can do anyway. And by the grace of God,that’s enough. Hope you enjoy the pickin’, singin’, and pontificatin’. It’s Suburban Country Music. It’s walkin’ the talk country. It’s what I do. Peace to you and yours, Ken Holt