出走半生,归来仍是此间少年? 年少离家,半生浮华,归家时仍旧感觉不变的,是那种没有条件的爱。 少年归来,带着勇敢和感恩的心,为您歌唱。 美籍歌手乐小虎,2018年全新单曲——《在》,为爱歌颂。 “Zai’ is a tribute to Moms, and specifically to my Mom, Andrea Ludwick. She taught me to listen to my heart, exposed me to drama and music, and accepted me for me, always. She has never asked for anything in return, but I know that part of the mission of my life is to try and embody her great example and share the love she so generously gave to me with others. 《在》是一首送给母亲的歌曲,藉此机会,送给我的母亲Andrea Ludwick女士,她让我学会如何倾听内心,接纳自己,并带我进入了音乐与戏剧的这个美妙的世界。她所给予的不求回报的爱,让我明白到,我这一生都将会以她为榜样,把这种慷慨与善良延续下去。 I am lucky that my Mom is still here, but in 1,000 years she and I will both be long gone and forgotten. However, I believe that her love can survive, passed down through me, and then through the generations. In our brief moment of life, it is possible to feel the joy and security of Mom’s love and support with you, but in the eternity of time, the pure and selfless love of a Mother to a child is one of the true things which will endure where almost all else is forgotten. 我很庆幸与您仍然共存在同一个世界当中,但是千年以后,我们都将不再属于这个世界。然而,我相信这种来自母亲的爱,会一代一代传递下去,并且成为人类文明里能永久保存的精神之一。 ‘Zai’ was inspired by the selfless love of parents. As a child, I didn’t fully appreciate just how amazing my parents are, or all that they sacrificed for me, but as an adult I can understand much more clearly, and I am humbled and deeply grateful. On this year’s Mother’s Day, I hope you can share “Zai” with your Mom and let her know how much you appreciate her. 最新单曲《在》受到父母无私的爱的启发,作为孩子的时候,我们可能不能完全明白我们的父母亲为孩子的牺牲有多了不起,为成人后,我对这种没有条件的爱,致最崇高的敬意。希望在今年的母亲节,希望大家能够与妈妈分享这首歌,告诉她:爱一直“在”。 歌曲由台湾新锐制作人刘伟德(Victor)担纲编曲及后期制作,他曾为超人气电视剧《爱情公寓4》创作原声大碟,创作并与台湾著名女歌手戴爱玲共同演绎其中插曲《Gentleman》,是华语乐坛唱作人的新生代力量。