阳光女孩的梦想世界 (中文版)

阳光女孩的梦想世界 (中文版)

  • 流派:Children Music 儿童音乐
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2019-01-15
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:录音室专辑


阳光女孩的梦想世界”是双语的儿童绘本书,音乐结合了时下最流行的舞步和流行歌的元素。 这是我很喜欢的创作作品,可以让每个人可以轻松地唱和摇摆。 现在就和我一起摆动你的身体吧! “阳光女孩的梦想世界” 是拉拉队歌曲和押韵组合而成。 在七十年代中期,录音的流行音乐被引入到拉拉队中,伴随着一些非常基本元素和程序。 藉由拉拉队的分化和演变,音乐也是如此。 自1995年以来 ,拉拉队中的音乐已经成为“复制”风格,其中通常受欢迎的歌曲会被剪辑在一起,从原曲风到另一个快版的变化,当中并夹带着音效和点缀。 歌曲片段长度可以在两到三十秒之间的变化。 大部分时间则在3到10秒内。 “海洋” 加勒比音乐流派是多种多样的。 它们分别是非洲 , 欧洲 , 印度和土著影响的综合体,主要由非洲奴隶的后裔(见非裔加勒比音乐 )以及其他小区的贡献(如印度加勒比音乐 )所创造。 一些在加勒比地区广受欢迎的风格包括Bachata , Merenque , Palo , Mombo, Denbo , baithak gana , bouyon , cadence-lypso , calypso , compan , dan cehall , jing ping , parang , pichakaree , punta ,ragga , 雷鬼 , reggaeton , 莎莎 , soca和zouk 。 加勒比也与中美洲和南美音乐有关 “尽我所能” 嘻哈或街舞是20世纪70年代后期在纽约布朗克斯 市开展的亚文化和艺术运动 。 这个词的起 源往往是有争议的。 还有人认为嘻哈音乐是从南或西布朗克斯开始的 。 虽然嘻哈这个词经常被用来指代嘻哈音乐 (也称为说唱 ), 嘻哈的特点是九个元素,但只有四个元素被认为是理解嘻哈音乐最为必要的元素。 嘻哈的主要元素包括四个主要支柱。 嘻哈集体祖鲁民族的 Afrika Bambaataa概述了嘻哈文化的支柱,提出了“ 敲击 ”(也称为MCing或主持),有节奏的押韵风格(口头); DJ (和turntablism ),用录音机和DJ混音器 (声音/声音和音乐创作)制作音乐; b-boying / b-girling / breakdancing (动作/舞蹈); 和涂鸦艺术 。 嘻哈亚文化和艺术运动的其他元素超越主要四个:嘻哈文化和运动的历史知识(智力/哲学); beatboxing ,打击乐的声乐风格; 街头创业 ; 嘻哈语言; 和嘻哈时 尚风格等等。 第五个元素通常被认为是街头知识, 嘻哈时尚或者beatboxing,然而它经常被辩论 Sunny Girl’s Dream World” is a bilingual (English / Chinese) children’s storybook featuring the hottest dance moves over h igh energy pop music. This is my passion project to get everyone singing and grooving. So get off your feet and come join the fun! Sunny Girl’s Dream World: Cheerleading Music Cheerleading consists of chants and rhymes. Taped, popular music was introduced to cheerleading in the mid-1970s, accompanying some very basic and rudimentary routine s. As competitive cheerleading branched off and evolved, so did the music. Since 1995 the music in competitive cheerleading has settled into a “cut-and-paste” style, in which song clips, usually po pular, are spliced together, changing rapidly from one to the next, punctuated with sound effects and blips of texts. A song clip within the routine can vary in length from two to thirty seconds. Most are within a three-to ten-second duration. Ocean: Caribbean Music Caribbean music genres are diverse. They are each syntheses of African, European, Indian and Indigenous influences, largely created by descendants of African slaves (see Afro-Caribbean music), along with contributions from other communities (such as Indo-Caribbean music). Some of the styles to gain wide popularity outside the Caribbean include, Bachata, Merenque, Palo, Mombo, Denbo, baithak g ana, bouyon, cadence-lypso, calypso, chutney, chutney-soca, compas, dancehall, jing ping, parang, pichakaree, punta, ragga , reggae, reggaeton, salsa, soca, and zouk. Caribbean is also related to Central American and South American music. Do Our Best: Hip Hop Music Hip hop or hip-hop is a subculture and art movement developed in the Bronx in New York City dur ing the late 1970s. The origins of the word are often disputed. It is also argued as to whether hip hop started in the South or West Bronx. While the term hip hop is often used to refer exclusively to hip hop music (also called rap), hip hop is characterized by nine elements, however only four elements are considered most necessary to understand hip-hop musically. The main elements of hip-hop consist of four main pillars. Afrika Bambaataa of the hip hop collective Zulu Nation outlined the pillars of hip hop culture, coining the terms: "r apping" (also called MCing or emceeing), a rhythmic vocal rhyming style (orality); DJing (and turntablism), which is making music with record players and DJ mixers (aural/sound and music creation); b-boying/b-girling/breakdancing (movement/dance); and graffiti art. Other elements of hip hop subculture and arts movements beyond the main four are: hip hop culture and historical knowledge of the movement (intellectual/philosophical); beatboxing, a percussive vocal style; street entrepreneurship; hip hop language; and hip hop fashion and style, among others. The fifth element is commonly considered either street knowledge, hip hop fashion or beatboxing however it is often debate d.

