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** Hear a Hi Fi streaming demo by going to www.ThunderCD.com - - - - - - THUNDERSTORM WARNING - - - Experience the sounds of a powerful Florida thunderstorm as it rages around you! Suburban Thunder takes you to the "heart of the storm" without getting you wet or struck by lightning. This popular CD has been sold all over the world and is now in it's THIRD printing. No music, words, or pauses to get in the way. Michael Oster began his professional career in 1992. In 1993 he started his own recording studio, F7 Sound and Vision. In addition to his numerous recording, editing and mastering credits, Michael created the sample CD-ROMs Concept:FX vol. 1, Concept:FX2, and Concept: FX3 which are in use around the world. Michael's other recording credits also include the documentary CD Night Sounds, and his experimental CD, Fluid. He has been working on music-related, spoken word, sound design, remote recording, product development, video, television, and web design projects for over 9 years. His experience with non-linear audio systems (Pro Tools) began in early 1993, and he has logged more hours on various incarnations of Pro Tools systems than he can keep track of. Legend has it that he can make a Pro Tools system jump through burning hoops while standing on his head.