分手对我来说象是一场悲剧, 失去伴侣很痛,同时也粉碎了自己的计划、希望和梦想。 我在失眠的夜晚写下这首歌,投入眼泪和情感在里面, 希望帮助自己摆脱伤害得以康复。 可能也经历谎言、失望和心碎的你,希望你听到这首歌后能得到治愈。 请相信我,我们有一天都会好起来的。 Every break up is like a tragedy. It hurts. And it’s not only losing your partner, but crushing of your plans, hopes and dreams. I wrote this song to help myself get over hurtful feelings, I put all my sleepless nights, tears, thoughts and emotions in working on this song and it healed me. For everyone who met lie and disappointment, whose heart ever been broken. Please listen to this song and I wish it can help you, heal you too. Please trust me one day it will all be good again. Annie