River Serene

River Serene

  • 流派:New Age 新世纪
  • 语种:英语 纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2013-11-23
  • 类型:录音室专辑


American-born artist Timothy Wenzel writes and plays highly engaging electro-acoustic Contemporary Instrumental/New Age/Celtic music. His debut album, "Mountains Take Wing" was selected as a Best New Age Album of 2012 by New Age Music World. His second album, "A Coalescence of Dreams" (October 2012), received widespread airplay and acclaim. It reached #6 in the world-wide New Age Charts (Zone Music Reporter) in March 2013. REVIEW OF MOUNTAINS TAKE WING "... His album, Mountains Take Wing, is twelve tracks of Nordic/Celtic music that allows the listeners to climb to the apex, take the cold chill of despair away and allows our minds to journey far and beyond the limits of the physical... This is my first encounter with Timothy Wenzel and I like it. His music is gentle, but there is a quiet power behind his compositions. It made me want to hear much more from this audio alchemist. Perhaps he will change more notes into gold." R.J. Lannan, Zone Music Reporter Other reviews: R.J. Lannan (full review, Mountains Take Wing) Timothy Wenzel wears two hats. One tall and pointy with a lot of stars and planets on it and another one with, well...a lot of stars and planets on it. He is a composer and a chemist, which in this review may be interchangeable. He combines acoustic and other instruments like a modern day musical alchemist which results in very pleasing audio concoctions. On the chemistry side, he is a specialist in homogeneous catalysis. A homogeneous catalysis is a chemical process where the catalyst and the reactants have similar phase. The result makes things happen just as the addition of notes in Timothy's compositions played into the airs makes music happen. I have simplified this theory for my own mental well-being. His album, Mountains Take Wing, is twelve tracks of Nordic/Celtic music that allows the listeners to climb to the apex, take the cold chill of despair away and allows our minds to journey far and beyond the limits of the physical. Any album that has mountains as a theme usually catches my attention as I live at the foothills of the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. Timothy's music finds inspiration from a much higher plane, places to the north that have a long history of mythology and faith. But I still understand his intentions. Birka , was, historically a gate to the northern access of the Vikings. All that wanted to trade visited Birka on the island of Bjorko and paid dues and made contacts. But it was also an island of mystery and religious fervor. Timothy's tune Birka which opens the album, is a song that is welcoming. Piano and violin flow in a tune that audibly smiles at you, but there is a story behind every smile. Snow Falling Softly is something I know about. One of my favorites things to do is to gaze out the window and watch as snow falls and covers everything with a clean, white coverlet. Even though I am familiar with every tree and every peak in the distance, I am always amazed at how everything quickly becomes an outline. Even things that are not as enjoyable in sunlight become something soft, white and amazing. It is magical I tell you. Fallow Fields had tremendous Celtic overtones. I could imagine the rutted earth as far as my eye could see. I could picture the brown, bent stalks of the past harvest the stood like broken lines of soldiers in a unearthly battle. The cold wind blows and rattles the stalks as the earth finally rests. The sandhill crane is a migratory beauty that calls North America and Siberia as its home. Flight of the Sandhill Cranes is background music for a journey that takes us up into the tundra and vast expanses of the cold, northern climes. But for all its range, no characteristic of the sandhill crane is as beautiful as its trumpeting call. Its avian music is haunting; a cry of earthly melancholy that delights the listener as does this particular tune. Christopher's Dream was a favorite on the album. It had the presence of a Renaissance rondo without the repetition. The flute was a strong conductor as the fantasy unfolded with a background of warmth and whimsy. The feel was as if a character, a young person to be exact, went about an old world bazaar and became delighted with each new discovery of character or talent. The music was the eye opening smiles of each new encounter. Soft piano builds in the tune Mountains Take Wing. It is a song of strength and glory. Yes, a mountain is just a fold of earth and rock jutting up to the sky, but what mystery, what power does the lofty mount hold? A place of trees, ice and snow and craggy buttresses is one of the most common things revered in many religious and histories. Everything and anything happens on a mountain. Moreover, mountains have always been a spiritual place. What? You think people climb Mount Everest for the view? This is my first encounter with Timothy Wenzel and I like it. His music is gentle, but there is a quiet power behind his compositions. It made me want to hear much more from this audio alchemist. Perhaps he will change more notes into gold. Rating: Very Good Very Good April 29, 2012 Avid Mystery Reader - Amazon.com Mountains Take Wing By Avid Mystery Reader VINE™ VOICE Format:Audio CD|Amazon Verified Purchase I love New Age music and this CD does not disappoint at all. There are 12 tracks and each one takes the listener on a journey that comforts and soothes the soul. All the music is full of beautiful instruments including violin and cello. There is also some electronic sounds but all are very harmonious. There are no "minor" or dark notes in this CD. I have bought other New Age CDs that have had rather brash, dark tones in the music that made me irritable rather than bringing joy. This CD brings a smile to my face each time I listen. I put it on my car stereo and it helps me get through long traffic filled drives on the Beltway around Baltimore. This is easy listening at its best. March 19, 2012 C. Massena - Amazon.com Mountains Take Wing Format:MP3 Music|Amazon Verified Purchase This music is just so awesome!!!! Absolutely beautiful to listen to and very relaxing. I love it!!!!! and can't wait for more. February 15, 2013 jcl1957 - iTunes Mountains Take Wing This CD is a delightful find. The songs are all peaceful and ethereal (which I love). There is a similarity to all of the songs which could sound a bit monochromatic but there's enough variation and creativity to keep my interest. I especially love Christopher's Dreams and Flight of the Sandhill Crane. February 13, 2013 Janet Mawdesley - Blue Wolf Reviews A Coalescence of Dreams In Timothy Wenzel’s latest album he combines many of his life philosophies blended with his dream state to create music which woos’ you gently into time and space which is without borders. Rich and deep with gentle overtones the album is a bit like biting into that mouth-watering piece of chocolate cake discovering hidden flavours as the taste meets the texture within. The melodies are haunting yet structured as in the dream state, tantalising and evocative and as subtle as that half formed thought or emotion. Many of the pieces have their origins in historic events or times and places, coupled with a symbiotic fusion of technology and mysticism which can also be considered the music form of what Wenzel considers important in life. A little dreaming, a little science and a contemplative understanding of mystic which goes to creating the melting pot of life are all interwoven throughout the album. Relaxing, peaceful and as with many creative albums Coalescence of Dreams improves with the listening as each piece becomes a collection of textures and layers relative unto each composition, creating a unique listening sensation every time. January 26, 2013 Chris Spector - Midwest Record A Coalescence of Dreams Even though it's not applicable to his music, someone ought to tell this kid not to say things like he gets most of his ideas when he's falling asleep. There's too many snipers ready to take that and run with it when presented with a NAC/new age album they didn't really listen to. If you really listen to this, you get a solid impressionistic/soundscape set that might well be the intersection of dreams. His thesis behind this set is actually a good premise for a touchy feely movie by some actor doing his one for me picture. As much Yes-lite as it is Yanni, there's a nice flowering here continuing to blossom as he releases each new set. Tasty stuff for the new ager looking for something with bite he can sink his teeth into as well. January 31, 2013 SandiPorter - Greatmusicsites.yuko.com A Coalescence of Dreams TIMOTHY WENZEL CREATES CLASSIC NEW AGE SOUND: There is a great new CD out by Timothy Wenzel called A COALESCENCE OF DREAMS. Every now and then comes along what I call a traditional new age album with all the right ingredients (albums by Tron Syversen last year come to mind) -- relaxing yet invigorating, soft yet interesting, dreamy and spacey, some lovely melodies and a bit of ambience, lots of great synth and synth-sounds, some acoustic instrumentation such as piano and violin, just a great mix. The background materials says he is inspired by places all over the world -- Sweden, Hawaii, Africa, Germany, Arabia and the United States (Michigan and the Appalachian Mountains). He likes to turn historical tales into musical sounds. So jump aboard this train and come along for the ride. This is an absolutely beautiful CD with lots of gentle, yet emotional music on it. This is classic stuff. February 24, 2013 - Ascentor A Coalescence of Dreams (translated from Russian by Google) The feel of the music Timothy Wenzel can be compared to the time when, by chance saw a huge and beautiful picture, feel the breath of delight, as the depth of fabric, its space, as if luring you, immersing in an artist recreated landscape. Timothy scenery - scenery is calm and bright northern summer, this picturesque meadows and high, the morning mist shrouded mountains, it is the endless plains and cold sea, whose waves on the horizon sinks the setting sun. Okoloklassicheskaya romance and New eydzhevaya contemplation keyboards saundtrekovy orchestral background, emotion progrokovoy electric guitar and, most importantly, a voice calling for the flute, which joins a voice like the north wind, inviting the listener to travel in this fictional world in which not only revived the pastoral space but the most cherished dreams - as well start «A Coalescence of Dreams» disturbing the rhythm of their marching song «Ice Wind», promises that lie ahead, such as the magnificent music stops. Some of them, such as «Road to Hana», recreate the poetic spirit of Celtic ballads, others carried away in the circulation of folk music as «Oasis of Souls». Rich orchestration and electronic ambient textured make its reasons in an exquisite pattern Nordic tunes spun by the flute and keyboards, not knowing failure and causing every time something amazing and soulful, making you again wait for the moment when you stay with this music alone. Perhaps visionary «A Coalescence of Dreams» is one of those albums that is difficult to describe, because the author obviously speaks to us in a different language, understandable to anyone who is willing to open the mind and unleash the imagination. Personally, I passed in the company of these tunes for miles into nowhere, breathed fresh air into the old wood and often wandering in the rain along the bed of black river, with great pleasure discovered the beauty and charm of the desert sky. «Desert Sky» - my personal favorite, does not detract from the merits of all the other tracks on this disc. Very beautiful music, the name of Timothy Wenzel, of course, to remember, a tribute to his talent and waiting for new ones, such as the impressive work. February 26, 2013 John Shanahan - Hypnagogue A Coalescence of Dreams Carrying the momentum of his well-received debut album, Mountains Take Wing, Timothy Wenzel returns with a fresh set of New Age pieces on A Coalescence of Dreams. While Wenzel’s songs course across fairly broad New Age territory, he plays with the lilt of Celtic music throughout the disc, notably in the pleasant flute melodies in “Follow the River” and “Miles from Nowhere.” The title track is an engaging blend of choral pads and Wenzel’s lyrical piano. This one takes on extra dimension when dulcimer-like tones enter as accompaniment. The long voice of rich string sounds finish the blend. Folksy acoustic guitar opens “The Road to Hana,” quickly joined by strings and piano. The cantering pace is catchy. It’s a traveling tune that sets the foot tapping but also takes a nice emotive turn–there’s something very personal at work here. For me, however, the go-track on this disc is the brilliant ”Mountain Rain.” Opening with acoustic guitar, piano, and string pads, it moves gracefully along, fluid and calm. Then a shift–everything drops out except for hushed choral pads, underscored with a low string sound. It creates a stunning, spiritual moment that gains its strength from its simplicity. That passes, and the guitar and piano resume, joined by flute. This is a wonderful piece that really showcases Wenzel’s multi-instrumental talents. He’s not alone here, however; Michael Rud offers up some soaring edge-of-rock guitar licks in the late half of “Ice Wind,” and Lenny Lavash contributes drums to that track, along with snappy hand percussion on the closer, “We Walk Together.” This track was created in the throes of emotion stemming from Wenzel’s learning of his brother’s incurable cancer. On his site, Wenzel writes, “At around 2 AM I could not stand any more so I went to my keyboard and poured out my soul, every last drop of it. The keyboard was literally wet with tears by the time I finished. Exhausted, I could do no more. I could not even listen to the song again without crying.” It’s a fantastic piece, built on piano and sliding in and out of complexity in its arrangement. It has distinct phases, and is a truly affecting piece of music. A Coalescence of Dreams is a straightforward New Age disc, beautifully played and designed for downtime listening. It may be too light a take for some, but on the whole it’s easy to enjoy and lovely at low volumes–but do yourself the favor of giving Wenzel’s work a close listen, too. This is a talented composer with a lot to say. New Age fans will want to keep an ear on Timothy Wenzel. February 28, 2013 anonymous - Zone Music Reporter A Coalescence of Dreams Pianist and synthesist Timothy Wenzel calls his new album A COALESCENCE OF DREAMS. The dictionary defines coalescence as: uniting, growing or coming together, often in a nourishing way. There are many meanings to the album title, but in a broad sense the concept is about bringing diverse elements together with the right catalysts to create something bigger, stronger, more meaningful, whether it is in music, science, personal goals or relationships. This is high-quality new age music where you will hear the acoustic sounds of piano, violin, guitar, flute and percussion blended with some electronic elements. The tunes are inspired by stories from history and Wenzel’s travels (from Hawaii to Europe). This is calming, blissful, multi-layered and creatively-refreshing music on a classic-sounding, all-instrumental album. This is good stuff. Unite with Timothy Wenzel’s music and be nourished (maybe even dream a dream or two together). Rating: Excellent February 14, 2013 Lillian - Mangle International Music Forum A Coalescence of Dreams Keyboardist Timothy Wenzel is a bit of an alchemist the way he mixes sounds and feelings on his latest album A COALESCENCE OF DREAMS. But beyond his musical work on this wondrous instrumental recording, Wenzel actually is a research chemist who realized his dreams of creating new substances by introducing the right catalysts on the molecular-level to make new forms of plastics for Union Carbide and Dow Chemical. Wow! The music on this album is soft, gentle and generally relaxing, but the other great attribute it possesses is that it is interesting to listen to -- captivating with its mix of piano, guitar, synth, flute, violin, bass, percussion and strings in various golden combinations. Take a listen and let your dreams cross with his. March 23, 2013 - Nexus A Coalescence of Dreams Keyboardist and composer, Timothy Wenzel, has been playing piano all his life. Of this album he says: “A Coalescence of Dreams” is not only the title and theme of this album, but it also represents the way I live my life, and the way I see life unfolding.” The continuity between songs is so palpable that the album unfolds almost like a single symphony with many “movements” of complementary yet unique parts. My favorite is, “Oasis of Souls” and also the title song. A wonderful offering for his second album. 4 stars. May 01, 2013 rotcodzzaj - Improvijazzation Nation A Coalescence of Dreams Timothy’s keyboard work on this one is excellent, and when the strings, guitars and other high-energy weaves are added, it’s a deeply moving sonic experience… there are places where it’s almost psychedelic, albeit not as “in yer’ face”, perhaps, as some of the early/late ’60′s psych albums were. I especially enjoyed pieces like the beautiful “Miles From Nowhere“… I can definitely hear that in a pleasant dream! From an “energy” perspective, my personal favorite of the 12 tunes on the CD was “The River Niger“… flowing and moving you on through your dream until you wake up in glory-land! I give this one a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for listeners who want substance to their listening experience… “EQ” (energy quotient) rating is 4.97. Get more information at Timothy’s website. Rotcod Zzaj Timothy Wenzel – A COALESCENCE OF DREAMS: Timothy’s keyboard work on this one is excellent, and when the strings, guitars and other high-energy weaves are added, it’s a deeply moving sonic experience… there are places where it’s almost psychedelic, albeit not as “in yer’ face”, perhaps, as some of the early/late ’60′s psych albums were. I especially enjoyed pieces like the beautiful “Miles From Nowhere“… I can definitely hear that in a pleasant dream! From an “energy” perspective, my personal favorite of the 12 tunes on the CD was “The River Niger“… flowing and moving you on through your dream until you wake up in glory-land! I give this one a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for listeners who want substance to their listening experience… “EQ” (energy quotient) rating is 4.97. Get more information at Timothy’s website. Rotcod ZzajTimothy Wenzel – A COALESCENCE OF DREAMS: Timothy’s keyboard work on this one is excellent, and when the strings, guitars and other high-energy weaves are added, it’s a deeply moving sonic experience… there are places where it’s almost psychedelic, albeit not as “in yer’ face”, perhaps, as some of the early/late ’60′s psych albums were. I especially enjoyed pieces like the beautiful “Miles From Nowhere“… I can definitely hear that in a pleasant dream! From an “energy” perspective, my personal favorite of the 12 tunes on the CD was “The River Niger“… flowing and moving you on through your dream until you wake up in glory-land! I give this one a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for listeners who want substance to their listening experience… “EQ” (energy quotient) rating is 4.97. Get more information at Timothy’s website. Rotcod Zzaj March 23, 2013 Elizabeth Hazel - Facing North A Coalescence of Dreams This is a gorgeous collection of twelve instrumental tracks. As the CD begins with “Ice Wind” the piano dominates, mixed with electronic keyboard, vocal “ooo’s”, strings, bells, and guitar. It establishes a lovely musical ambiance “Miles from Nowhere” has a gentle pulse with a Celtic-type melody carried by the flute. “Mountain Rain” is evocative. Sections of piano, flute, and guitar give way to a vocal chorale, and then return to the instrumental texture. Throughout the CD Wenzel has control over his material. The movement from song to song feels like a musical journey. The sequence of melodic ideas, keys, and instrumentation keeps it interesting, but there is always a deliberate hand on the tiller here. May 01, 2013 Michael Diamond - Awareness Magazine A Coalescence of Dreams An aspect of the term “coalescence” can be perceived as: “bringing diverse elements together with the right catalysts to create something bigger, stronger, more meaningful.” This is particularly appropriate for Timothy Wenzel, who addition to being a talented recording artist is also a research chemist. However, the elements he merges on his new release create pure audio alchemy. While the piano has been a primary instrument throughout his life, synthesizers play a major role in his recordings, with the sounds of violin, cello, flute, harp, guitars, drums, and percussion. Timothy’s new-age instrumental music ranges from lushly layered compositions that have been compared with Yanni, to more light and airy soundscapes with occasional hints of Celtic and world music influence. There is a strong visual aspect to his sound in the mental imagery it evokes. And, it is also present in the stunning music videos that can be seen at his website. Although this was my first exposure to Timothy Wenzel’s recordings, it will not be my last, and I will look forward to subsequent releases. May 05, 2013 Raj Manoharan - RajMan Reviews A Coalescence of Dreams On his second album, keyboardist/composer and molecular research scientist Timothy Wenzel conducts a fusion of musical ideas and themes – partly inspired by sojourns to Hawaii, his native Michigan, and Europe – that coalesce into a pleasant, dream-filled excursion. Wenzel uses his keyboards and synthesizers to generate a variety of sounds, entrancing tones, and lush ethereal textures. In addition to gentle piano, Wenzel’s sonic palette includes strings, flutes, chimes, and percussion. The audio mix also includes the taut drums of Lenny Levesh on a couple of tracks and the scorching guitar of Denmark’s Michael Rud on one track. While the recordings are complex in their intricately constructed layers, the compositions are at once simple and wide-ranging, evoking a visceral, cinematic feel. This CD offers musical escapades that are both relaxing and exciting. Timothy Wenzel’s dreams are good dreams to have. June 05, 2013 - Music Watch A Coalescence of Dreams It is always impressive when an album makes an immediate impression on its first play - and that is what happened with composer/keyboardist Timothy Wenzel's new album A Coalescence Of Dreams. While the album falls into the New Age genre it also has some electronica influences too, plus some very sympathetic guitar playing from Michael Rud throughout. Completely instrumental, A Coalescence Of Dreams is an atmospheric album with a mostly mellow feel throughout. The theme of the album is the dream world we visit when we sleep and what those dreams are. Obviously the music here depicts the dream travelling of Mr Wenzel, and he doesn't seem to suffer too many nightmares when he sleeps. Most of the tracks are medium paced, with a bit of a Celtic lilt. Apart from the previously mentioned guitarist there is a pair of drummers featured individually on a couple of tracks, everything else is performed by Mr Wenzel. The album contains a dozen tracks and their titles are: Ice Wind, Miles From Nowhere, Road To Hana, A Walk In The Summer Woods, Apparition, Oasis Of Souls, The River Niger, Desert Sky, A Coalescence Of Dreams, Mountain Rain, Follow The River, We Walk Together. I think A Coalescence Of Dreams will appeal to many, it has more presence than a lot of New Age albums. The mix of Celtic and electronic instrumentation offers a rich blend of sounds, and it is an album I have returned to several times. Recommended. July 01, 2013 Michele Wilson-Morris - The Entertainment Bank A Coalescence of Dreams by Paul Anderson When I hear “New Age” recordings, what I’m looking for is music that is immersive, and beautiful with moods and colors that linger and add peaceful sounds to vibe with. “A Coalescence Of Dreams" by Timothy Wenzel more than meets this expectation with the sounds of piano and flute, as aptly demonstrated in the track ”Ice Wind”. The flute is lyrical and sings over a wash of orchestral strings and rich textures. The drums play a march, but are never over the top, and the percussion and cymbals are minimal and effective. The electric guitar solo is engaging. One of my favorite pieces was “Miles From Nowhere”. The acoustic guitar and piano blend so well with the warm lyrical flute; my hat's off to Tim’s production -- it sounds as if he had a studio musician come in to play. "Road To Hana" seduces listeners with a piano and violin duet, and the strum of guitar. It's a light rock feel without bass or drums, but the way Wenzel created the piece makes this song more intimate. The violin has a light harmonic texture layered with it, though I wished the fade out was a bit longer. “A Walk In The Summer” evokes the casual feel of a summer day with a soft flute theme, and Timothy always has a counter voice in his work. Here, the piano answers the flutes phrases, and the surprise of a bowed string that is thematic and percussive is quite nice, as he builds the layers of this piece. I know that my KJZZ listeners like anything that is a cut above the rest and Timothy Wenzel brings a new project that delivers just that. I especially liked the expansive palette of the title track with the choral sounds. Listeners may easily find themselves wishing for for extended versions. “A Coalescence Of Dreams” is music that will save a playlist in dire need of providing a mental escape plan! Posted 3 days ago by Michele Wilson-Morris Labels: flute Timothy Wenzel A Coalescence Of Dreams Ice Wind Road To Hana piano Miles From Nowhere A Walk In The Summer new age music - See more at: http://www.timothywenzel.com/press/#sthash.yxZpESiy.dpuf

