未知的旅行(罗宁、崔健等艺术家弹奏 爵士中国风)

未知的旅行(罗宁、崔健等艺术家弹奏 爵士中国风)

  • 流派:World Music 世界音乐
  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2012-09-25
  • 唱片公司:瑞鸣音乐
  • 类型:录音室专辑


未知的旅行 Unknown Journey 罗宁·爵士乐在中国 Luo Ning·Jazz music in China 尘嚣落定,暖风徐徐,远处飘来轻柔的琴音,抚平层层思绪。恬静和热情交织的五彩韵律,呼唤出意乱情迷。为舒缓起调,一半是深情,一半是热烈,兴之所至,情之所起,任性且随意。 五光十色的爵士乐,摇摆的节拍释放出旋律的蕴藉,以独特韵致风靡世界。十九世纪末的新奥尔良是爵士乐的故乡,Blues和Ragtime孕育了他古典和现代兼具的双重艺术气质。演奏家的即兴表演更是其迷人之处,每一次演奏都是心和意的交谈,往往别具风情,绚烂夺目,听众也会随之情不自禁地摇摆,融入特有的情致之中。具有浪漫诗人气质并不失热情的Jazz钢琴演奏家罗宁,演奏风格澄净,在爵士乐中沉浸多年,以丰富的音乐想象力,鲜明的曲风,创作出专辑内数首风格多样的作品,摹刻独特生命感受,传递爵士乐悠缓又忧郁的神韵。本次录音约请海内外爵士乐名家,携手踏上跨越重洋的音乐之旅,变换组合,撞击灵感,在即兴演奏配合之中抒发和交流,给千变万化的爵士乐注入了清新的东方风情。热烈的拉丁,血脉涌动,将我们带向浪花翻滚的加勒比海和高楼林立的纽约都市大道;经典的爵士名作,反复咀嚼,纯粹而深具况味;儿时家园的悠长旋律,在故土上空回旋了多少年,依旧深入人心;自创新作,融会贯通,期望激起都市人心灵的共鸣。五彩斑斓的爵士梦境,恍惚着,渐渐渗透了多重时光。眼前的现实渐渐扑朔迷离,回响在耳边的,是若有若无的喁喁,蛰伏的激情又随之雀跃,化入晃动的节拍之间。 深沉而又奔放,忧郁而又舒展,身心陶醉在一个个深切、跃动、迷离的秘境里,忘却时光流逝。专辑汇拢多彩音乐元素,聆听时,丰富细腻而又热情奔放的情调扑面而来,本来蕴藉深远的爵士乐显得更为精彩纷呈,情趣盎然。国内优秀爵士音乐人同心齐力,期盼着充满异国格调的音乐幼苗能够深植东方温润的土壤中,崔健、刘元等多位艺术家一齐聚首,鼎力相助;国际爵士乐音乐家纷至沓来,带着激情和新奇,享受着与中国艺术家演奏灵感碰撞出的全新艺术体验。九尺斯坦威钢琴弹奏出的饱满、华丽的琴音,带动全部音乐情绪,名贵之外,更见艺术张力。著名音乐制作人叶云川延续瑞鸣创作理念,广聚一流音乐家,倾力打造一流艺术精品,务求尽善尽美;录音大师张小安尽心竭力,忘我投入;德国老虎鱼的全程后期制作及母版制造,全面烘托现场微妙氛围。让忧伤看到自己,让欢乐感动自己,这一刻随性的心情,跟着动感节拍和柔滑旋律,幻化着一幕幕引人入胜情景,抛开了忧扰,浸没在缓缓流动的愉悦与舒适中…… Foreword A stillness falls, a light wind picks up, carrying from afar the soft tune of a piano, washing over your senses. A melody imbibed with emotions from serenity to ardor and everything in between, inspiring your mind to roam freely. In this simplistic yet deeply layered rhythm, you may find affection, passion, spontaneity, and freedom. The many facets of jazz music, with its ever-changing yet always pleasant melodies, have earned this unique musical genre popularity around the world. The birthplace of jazz is late nineteenth-century New Orleans, with blues and ragtime acting as the foundation for jazz’s classic yet modern feel. One of the main attractions of jazz is the musicians’ improvised performances, through which every show is a new experience, both for the listener and artist alike. This unique expressive style has had audiences bobbing their heads and tapping their feet for over a century, and to this day continues to be a popular medium for experimentation. Jazz pianist Luo Ning, who is known for his creative contributions to Chinese jazz music as well as his impressive live performances, has been involved in the jazz music scene for many years, and continues to impress audiences with his musical imagination and unique sound. On this compilation he has included songs from many different styles, showing his broad perspective on the world, viewing the leisurely yet somewhat melancholy tune of jazz from several perspectives. Mr. Luo has invited renowned jazz artists from all over the world to be a part of this international musical journey, looking at classic songs in a new light, reinventing their sounds and even their messages. Through improvised performances, the artists communicate musically, and bring to the genre elements which have never been seen before, such as Chinese classical and ethnic styles, but at the same time the songs have a sort of loneliness and desolation at their hearts. The passion of Latin music, filling our blood with energy and vigor, takes us to the sandy beaches of the Caribbean, and the bustling streets of New York; classic jazz tunes are re-envisioned, pumping them full of new emotions; these songs which originated on streets and in homes, have touched the hearts of listeners for decades, and continue to do so to this day; through creation and reinvention, amalgamation and innovation, this compilation seeks to speak to urban audiences all over the world. The infinite charm of jazz creates a dream-like world that spans across time and space. Every line of the lyrics is full of soul, the singer often following his or her emotions and improvising on the spot. Every bar of melody is full of heart, of warmth, which brings passion along to the swinging beat. The sounds and words are distant, bold, unbridled, and intoxicating. So just sit back, enjoy the endlessly changing rhythms, and let the words of the musicians take you back in time, and all around the world. This compilation draws on inspiration from various musical styles, and when listening, you’ll find that the rich and bold tunes are filled with more than simply the original charisma of jazz. This compilation is a collaboration among outstanding Chinese musicians, whose aim here is to add an eastern touch to jazz music, a distinctively western genre of music, infusing jazz with a new level of affection and rhythmic appeal. Cui Jian, known as the “Father of Chinese rock”, as well as many Chinese jazz musicians, all had a hand in the conception and recording of the compilation. A host of jazz artists from around the globe joined as well, creating a team full passion and curiosity, who enjoyed every moment of this international musical exploration. The Steinway & Sons piano used in the recordings was the leader of the musical assembly.the project was guided by producer Ye Yunchuan, known for his innovation and dedication to quality; recordings were performed by sound engineer Zhang Xiao’an, who is meticulous yet passionate; and at the helm of post-production was Stockfisch Records of Germany, bringing their own perspective to the recording sessions. The sweet melody fills the air, and your heart can’t help but move along with the beat. Whatever you had on your mind, just forget it and follow the rhythm of the music, as it fills you with new memories, all to a soft and soothing beat, one unimaginable dreamscape after another. This is a place separate from the hustle and bustle of the world, where the heart can truly be at peace. 罗宁先生: 用我们不同的音乐方式和方法,来表达祖国国粹京剧的优美旋律。 梅葆玖 2012.3.23 罗宁是一位非常好的钢琴演奏家,他演奏融合他成长地区风格的爵士乐,他富有原创及很好的天赋和演奏技术。 我衷心的恭喜他。 Chucho Valdés Mar. 23, 2012 记得那是1997年初的一天,我接到好朋友老哥(王昕波录音师)的一个电话,说从新疆来了一位青年钢琴手。弹奏的很好,特别是JAZZ方面,他叫罗宁。想和北京JAZZ乐手们交流,玩一玩,他很想与你们认识,我说可以。我们乐队周末在CD咖啡吧演出时,我约了罗宁,他来自新疆,弹奏时热情洋溢,很有激情,传统JAZZ奏的也不错,能听出有很扎实的音乐基础。这是罗宁给我的最初印象。在以后十几年里,罗宁非常认真努力的学习JAZZ音乐,与许多音乐家合作,相互学习,也经常在CD咖啡吧和其它的JAZZ吧中演奏,并且他还活跃在其它风格的音乐演出中。 随着罗宁的水平不断提高,他逐渐受到喜爱JAZZ音乐观众的注意和鼓励,但罗宁并没有因此满足,而是一有机会就努力寻找自己内心最喜欢的音乐。他对美洲的拉丁音乐很有感觉,特别是对古巴的JAZZ音乐有很深理解,沉浸其中不能自拔,他克服了许多困难,为了事业发展,只身前往古巴学习古巴的拉丁JAZZ。他在古巴师从多位国际有名的大师,如:女钢琴家Bellita、打击乐专家Emilio Del Monte、钢琴大师Chucho Valdés等大家,得到他们的亲授。罗宁在古巴经历了他梦一样的古巴JAZZ音乐的学习生活。 这次罗宁录制的唱片,是在中国第一次中国音乐家演奏的,正宗古巴风格JAZZ音乐。而且大都是由罗宁自己作曲编曲的。特别是在曲中,您可以听到他在古巴生活的感受,还有新疆的感情回顾。更值一提的是他还与京剧艺术大师梅葆玖先生合作了由《霸王别姬》选段改编的JAZZ,也收入其中。可以看到罗宁已经注意到结合中国风格的再创作。在这里,我真心祝愿罗宁的这张唱片会受到喜爱JAZZ乐听众的欢迎。同时大家也有机会认识一下从古巴学习归来的罗宁! 刘元 2012.7.28 演奏者简介:罗宁 出生于中国的一个音乐家庭,成长在多民族风情汇聚的新疆。四岁开始学习音乐,父亲是他的启蒙钢琴老师,就这样他走上了音乐的旅程。 现在他已是中国最出色的JAZZ 钢琴演奏家之一,在JAZZ 钢琴和古典音乐上都有自己独特的理解和演绎,并以演奏技术精湛、热情洋溢著称。1998 年以来,罗宁一直活跃在国内、国际的JAZZ、古典等舞台上,并与JAZZ音乐大师Kenny Garrete,Jens Winther等众多JAZZ音乐家有过合作、交流。 年幼时罗宁得到了来自香港的钢琴家、归国华侨陈陶金老师的指导,并跟随新疆艺术学院教授马辉与副教授王庆生学习乐理、理论与和声学。其间因听力极好而免修试唱练耳课程。后又随英国皇家音乐学院钢琴老师斯蒂温·瑞斯继续学习古典主义浪漫派钢琴。1991年,罗宁考入新疆军区文工团,任钢琴演奏员。1996年底来到了北京。 一次偶然的机会,结识了萨克斯管教育家、演奏家陆庭荃老师,那段时间里,罗宁在陆庭荃老师的JAZZ乐队里学习和实践演奏JAZZ钢琴。自1997年参加中国歌舞团在北京音乐厅的首场爵士音乐会,第六届北京国际爵士音乐会的开幕演出,第八届北京国际爵士音乐节等数百场演出。后加入刘元爵士乐队。 2002年,被特聘为解放军艺术学院和现代音乐学院钢琴讲师。 2005年,在北京成功举办个人专场爵士音乐会。 2006年,与世界著名的爵士音乐家KERNNY GANRETT 同台交流音乐。 2008年,罗宁受奥组委之邀负责奥运会11场爵士与古典音乐的演出,获得一 致赞誉。 2009年,罗宁组建了自己的乐队“罗宁爵士三重奏”。 2010年,4月考入古巴艺术大学。 2010年,录制CCTV—音乐频道“2010年夏季音乐周—感受爵士乐”。 2010年,8月赴古巴留学,师从古巴著名拉丁爵士女钢琴家Bellita、著名打击乐专家Emilio del Monte。期间还受到,曾获过八次格莱美音乐奖的著名拉丁爵士钢琴大师Chucho Valdés;和2009年格莱美音乐奖获得者,古巴著名年青拉丁爵士钢琴家Roberto Fonseca的亲自指导。 制作成员: 出品人:叶云川 制作人:叶云川 作曲/改编:罗宁 录音:张小安 录音助理:袁立军 制作统筹:黎江 田恬 市场统筹:刘军 张威 中文文案:稼耕 英文文案:安仁良 封面摄影:李潇 摄影:小叶 平面设计:陈敏 录音棚:中唱录音棚 后期制作:德国老虎鱼录音公司
