专辑收录了手机游戏【镇山 Unforgivable】中的歌曲。有象征主角丹尼在异乡找寻真相的过程之中,陷入谎言与事实矛盾拉扯的主题曲「知了」;真相大白之后,历劫归来的沈淀曲「忆」;以及三首插曲——甜蜜又苦涩的初恋记忆「梅雨记得」、情绪与认知冲突的「拼图」,和在黑暗中四伏的「危机」。 The album collects the songs from the mobile game "Unforgivable." Including the theme song "Do I Know," symbolizing the protagonist Danny's struggle coming from the process of finding the truth; "Memory," portraying the emotional moments and comforting the soul after all of the incidents end. Besides, there are also three insert songs: "The Plum Rain," featuring the bittersweet memories of the first love; "Puzzle," the conflict between acknowledgement and self recognition; and "Crisis," depicting the unknown dangerous force acting in the dark.