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Steps Of Faith Ministeries Hello I’m Helen McCall! “Miss Helen” I was born in Ashburn Ga. The baby daughter of a share-cropper, named Eugene and his wife Addie mae Mitchell; who later bought a 350 acre farm near Atlanta, Georgia, where I began my singing career. Although I began singing at an early age of 3, it wasn’t untill I was 8 that I began singing on the Radio in Roberta Ga. Brenda Lee sang on the program before us. They had to stand us on co-cola crates for us to reach the microphone, back then there was only one huge microphone and no T.V. at all. I probably wasn’t 3 feet feet high and she was shorter than me. By the time I was 12, I was singing all over Ga. and Ala. with my brother J.T. Mitchell and my sister Rose; we were known as The Mitchell Family, everybody said we sounded like The Chuck Wagon Gang. Everywhere we went I had to sing Silent Night. I felt funny singing it when it wasn’t Christmas. We sang in churches tent meetings and street meetings, things weren’t as confinded as they are today.I can’t remember not singing. My daddy was the President of the Gosple Music Association and we had singers such as the Blackwood Brothers, Hobie Lister & The Statesman Quartett, the Browns, The Sunlighters and many, many more. WE lived in a big colonial house on Ingram Rd. in Barnesville Ga. and most of them stayed the night with us. Grand-pa lived next door to us. He was an old-fashioned music teacher who taught us to sing with a tuning fork. He’d say open your mouth three fingers wide. I thought sometimes my mouth would break. Daddy and my brother built a Church on the farm, where Namoie & The Se-Go’s performed their first professional singing. I remember somebody asked her to do a T.V. program; but told her she could not sing in that funny language. We all gathered around a T.V. set somebody had: to watch her. You guessed it when she opend her mouth to sing; out came that funny language. In 1978, the Hensons sang their first songs in Georgia at the church. They didn’t have any money so they slept in an old school buss they had. Later that year the Inspirations came by and sang then spent the night with Mama. Daddy had already passed away and Mama lived in a small house beside the church. After I married, I sang on the Radio with B.J.& The Country Boy’s and Miss Helen. We stayed on the radio about 5 years, during this time I had the opportunity to sing on stage with Porter Wagnor. That was the same night Dolly Pardon was auditioning for her career. My band got cold feet and I didn’t sing because I didn’t have $50.00 to pay Porter’s band to play for me $50.00 at that time was 2 weeks salary for my husband. Another time, I sang at the State Fair with a band I didn’t know. I forgot the words to my song which was Then & Only Then, I looked at the band and went directly into another song; nobody ever knew I messed up my song. I wrote a country song in 1970 and added it to my country almum in 2003. A few years later I started traveling with my five year son who sang with me and later played the drums for me. We were known as The Mitchells, The McCalls & The Jacksons. I started singing on the radio again in 1985 in Moultrie Ga. which I continued untill 1999 when I had a stroke. This was when I seriously began writing songs; God gave me the song; Lord Let Me Feel Your Spirit, while I was in the hospital. I couldn’t feel anything outwardly, I knew the spirit was inside of me I just couldn’t feel because of the powerful drugs I was taking. They take away your ability to think or feel emotion. In 2000 I began Steps Of Faith Ministry T.V. program on Maranantha T.V. which I continued untill 2003. I also had a Radio program by the same name during 2003. It was during this time (9-11-2001) I wrote my America At War Album. which is a dymanic rendition of the bombing of the Twin Towers in new York. Song 1 Daddy-is about a little child who wishes she could sit on her daddy’s knee. Song 2 One Of These Days-ashures us that after all this is over, we’ll have peace. Song 3 America At War- makes me proud to be an American and live in one nation under God, where there is love. Song 4 As freedom Rings-I can’t help but cry as I sing these words “If I but had one life to live, for freedom’s sake I’d freely give.” I think about the American soldiers and I believe that is what they think, as they defend our nation Song 5 Beauty For Ashes- Last but not least, gives us soothing words to remove all hurt and pain away from all of us. I also wrote my Album Hear My Cry for my Battered Women’s Ministry in 2002. Then I met a country singer Cleveland Warnock who gave me the inspiration to write my album Charity’s Country Songs, I really love the song Broken Heart’s Don’t Cry (They don’t you know). Then in 2003 I bought a computer and registered my songs with BMI and put them on Media Player, after I got the copyright on them. I have 70 songs on which the copyright is from 1999 to 2007. I have two songbooks, a Teaching Manual, fifteen Cd’s, which I have written_composed_published_recorded on Faith Record Lable. I already had my tax number. My Logo is copywrited along with my website www.stepsoffaithministeries.com, in 2005 which was the year I wrote my Bluegrass songs and some more country songs. Albums ; Tear Drops Are Falling and Helen’s Bluegrass Songs, featuring a song I wrote about my ex who was dying and I didn’t know it. The Name of the song is I’m Going Home. I have a Batered Women’s ministry and a Helping Hands Ministry which was founded by my sister Dolorese Mitchell and myself. This consist of filling boxes with necessaty items such as tooth-paste brushes, soap,toilet tissue, paper-towels, etc and distribute to the needy for free. People fill our boxs for us and we give them away. All boxes are guarenteed to be delivered, I could go on and on and tell you about every song but there are just too many, it would take hours as I have apro. 70 and another five in the making. Please vist my Website, www.misshelenandherkeyboard.com and don’t forget CDbaby and fill your cart. May God Bless You Miss Helen McCall