

  • 流派:Folk 民谣
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2012-10-31
  • 唱片公司:Watercolour Music
  • 类型:录音室专辑


1 taobh abhainn aora Eòghann MacColla/Evan MacColl Òran gaoil do chaileag lurach Mhorbhairneach air a bheil meas mòr aig bàrd Loch Fìn. A love song set on the banks of the River Aray to a Morvern girl who is adored by the Lochfyneside bard, and plenty other lads besides. 2 eilean na h-òige Alasdair MacIlleBhàin/Alasdair Whyte Gille òg is e am beachd gealladh-pòsaidh a chur gu a leannan an Èirisgeidh, far an tànaig iad còmhla an toiseach. Sgeul gràidh gun bhruaillean. A young lad mustering up the courage to propose to his girl in Eriskay, the place where their story started. A love song with a happy ending. 3 an leitir bhòidheach Alasdair MacIlleBhàin/Alasdair Whyte Òran air làithean òige sa Mhorbhairne far an robh tuathanas mo sheanar is mo sheanmhar ann am Fionnairigh. A song on young days in Morvern where my grandparents had the farm at Fiunary. 4 am fraoch Iain MacPhàidein/John MacFadyen Dàn a’ moladh an lusa seo is an eilein dom buin am bàrd, is e a’ caoidh mar nach eil teas an teine ann an luirgean an t-sluaigh a tha a-nis a’ fanachd ann. A song praising MacFadyen’s native island of Mull and the summer beauty of its heather glens. He laments that its beauty is not appreciated by those who now live on the island. 5 an t-each odhar Calum MacIlleathain/Malcolm Maclean Sgrìob don fhèill an Taobh Siar Rois is deagh ghearran-obrach san amharc a chur an àite seann each odhar. Ach tionndadh eile san sgeul an dèidh dha tachairt ri luchd-eòlais ann agus an steall a leanas. A trip to the fair in Wester Ross with plans to splash out on a new gelding to replace the old dun-coloured horse. But old drinking buddies lead the man astray, blowing all his money and selling the old horse to fund another drink or two. 6 chì mi bhuam Iain MacPhàidein/John MacFadyen Cianalas, is am bàrd a’ moladh lurachais Eilein Mhuile is na chì e à sgoth air taisteal-cuain. A song full of nostalgia in which the bard describes Mull from the perspective of a boat sailing around the island’s coastline. 7 forcan na fèille Alasdair MacIlleBhàin/Alasdair Whyte Òran air nòsan is cleachdaidhean Fèill Mhìcheil tro shùilean chaileig òig; is e am forcan curran gobhlach a bheireas sonas, gràdh is piseach don tè a bhuaineas seachdain na Fèille. Is e dannsa na Fèille tachartas na bliadhna far a bheil an nighean is a leannan a’ tighinn còmhla ach tha droch fhortan an dàn dhaibh. A song rooted in the traditions of Michaelmas, one of the most popular festivals in the Celtic calendar. The protagonist is a young girl who is lucky enough to find a wild forked carrot (‘forcan’) in the traditional gathering during festival week. Being a symbol of fertility, the rare carrot promises her luck in love. She gives it to her sweetheart at the festival dance but bad luck is in store for the couple. 8 mo ch¬¬aileag shuaineartach Eòghann MacColla/Evan MacColl Am bàrd a’ moladh chaileig luraich à bruachan Loch Suaineirt, a rinneadh an toiseach air an fhonn iomraiteach seo. A love song in praise of a stunning young Sunart woman, originally composed to this well-known Duncan Bàn MacIntyre tune. 9 nighean donn nan gobhar Gilleasbuig MacIlleathain/Archibald Maclean Òran gaoil à Muile le Fear an Lagain do rìbhinn mhaiseach aig nach eil coimeas san Roinn Eòrpa is e a’ cur an geall nach bi smuairean oirre gu buan ma bheireas a làmh dha. A Mull love song to a dark-haired goat-maid whose beauty is unparallelled. The bard promises that, with him, she will not want for anything as long as she lives. 10 tuathal Alasdair MacIlleBhàin/Alasdair Whyte Òran air sgaradh-lànain mun cuairt air ìomhaigheachd geaslanachd-grèine. Tha gille ag innse gu bheil a leannan air a dhol tuathal bhon a ghabh i ùidh ann am fear eile. A song on the break down of a relationship in which imagery is based on superstitious beliefs surrounding the sun. To turn ‘tuathal’, against the direction of the sun’s course, is considered unlucky. ceòl music Alasdair MacIlleBhàin – Freshman FA300CEM/S – Alasdair Whyte Ross MacUilleim – Keyboards/Reid-Sohn Boudoir Grand – Ross Wilson Ailean Nàrann – *Guitars Eòsaph Rattray – Fender Precision/Kay Double Bass – Joe Rattray Louis Mac an Aba – *Drums – Louis Abbott Megan NicEanraig – Fiddle – Megan Henderson Gòrdan Gunna – Mandolin (Moon Guitars, Glasgow) – Gordon Gunn Nick Mac an Tuairneir – *Electric Guitar – Nick Turner guthan voices Raibeart MacDhonnchaidh Robert Robertson Stiùbhart Jackson Stuart Jackson Màiri Anna NicUalraig Mary Ann Kennedy
