黑夜漫长,谁不曾感叹造化弄人,双手遮住双眼又偷偷开着一条缝,长不大的童话也会让时光白发苍苍。上天最大,没死就算命大,将灰烬摆盘美满,撕开伤疤放肆呐喊,然后哀乐着枯木成花。沥干脾气,告别自以为是的年少轻狂。 Is there anyone never wondering if everything is fate in a long night?Eyes were covered with hands but left with a crack.Never-grow-up fairies would bring down time with gray hairs.Being alive is the greatest charity from the God. Fill the happiness with ashes,tear the scar with a wild cry and then enjoy the flowering deadwood with sorrow. Smooth temper and say goodbye to smug youth.