• 流派:World Music 世界音乐
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2001-01-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑


SUN SUN is a band formed by DARIO SULIS (vocals, percussion), ALESSANDRO PALACINO (woodwinds) and DIEGO SPITALERI (piano, keyboards). The band released its first album called “ETHNICITY” in 1997 for R.T.I. Music. Recently the record was reissued by the label “Teatro del Sole”. SUN music is mediterranean-ethnic oriented with strong new age influence very open to ambient and jazzy sound. It’s a work of crossing influences to get a personal sound based on the search of integration among traditional vocal forms and advanced instrumental structures. FESTIVALS: MARSALA JAZZ FESTIVAL (Marsala / July 1995) MUSICA CONTRO LA GUERRA (Caltanissetta / December 1995) IBSEN STAGE FESTIVAL NORWAY (Oslo / September 1996) YOUTH FOR THE PEACE PROCESS (Oslo / September 1996) MUSICA NUOVA IN SICILIA – CONCERTO PER FALCONE (Palermo / June 1997) QUINTO FESTIVAL LUSO - ITALIANO DI ARTE E CULTURA (Faro, Portimao / July 1997) WOMAD (Palermo / September 1998) CONCERTO DEL 1° MAGGIO 2000 (Palermo) FESTA NAZIONALE DI LIBERAZIONE (Roma / September 2000) RUMORE AL SUD (Trani / October 2000) LA NOTTE DELLE STELLE (Palermo / August 2001) SUN INTERPRETA SCARLATTI (Palermo / Teatro Massimo / November 2001) SUN INTERPRETA SCARLATTI (Piana Albanesi - Provincia Reg. di Palermo / January 2002) IL BAULE DEI SUONI (Fondazione Teatro Massimo / April 2002) SUN INTERPRETA SCARLATTI FESTIVAL DI ORTIGIA (Siracusa / July 2002) SCAVI APERTI (ESTATE BOLOGNESE / Bologna / August 2002) IL COLORE DEL MARE - SUONI MEDITERRANEI (Messina / September 2002) WOMAD (Taormina / June 2003) TOUR U.S.A (Baltimore, New York / September 2004) TOUR ETHIOPIA 2006 (February 2006) NAVI CHE PARTONO SAILING SHIPS CONCERT (Stuttgart 2006) Sun is also active composing music for theatre and dance. Following there are some of the works for which the band has composed and performed live: MOLO S. LUCIA MAKALLÈ LIGHEA KU È BENJI MUOVONO ARCANGELI, IL VENTO E I COLORI DE BATTEMENTS D’AILES, EN BATTEMENTS D’ELLES PIANTANDO SESSO E CHIODI SUL PAVIMENTO LE FORME DEL FUOCO The song SUN from the cd ETHNICITY is on board on ALITALIA flights. In September 2000 Sun has received the MEMORY AWARD from the Foggia Festival Jazz (Steve Lacy was aworded in the same year). Sun has recorded a minicd and performed for the ONU summit held in Palermo in December 2000. In 2001 the band worked on the project to reread the music of the great Alessandro Scarlatti, the Sicilian baroque composer borned in Palermo. The project was sponsorized by the TEATRO MASSIMO, Palermo Opera Theatre. Sun played the concert named "SUN INTERPRETA SCARLATTI" in November 2001 into the prestigious TEATRO MASSIMO stage with a large orchestra supporting the trio. The concert became also a CD called "SCARLATTI RENDERING", issued by CNI and produced by SUN and TEATRO MASSIMO. This last project receceived a good deal of attenction from the press and radio coverage. One of the last works of the band is a sort of sound track for a novel book called "LUNGO LE ARTERIE DEL MONDO" which was issued from RAITRADE (RAI, Italian National Television Publishing Company). In June 2003, SUN opened the 2003 WOMAD at the Convention Building in Taormina. The band is also busy into the job of interpreting classical music in a third stream way cooperating with some classical musicians. The last concert of this type was held by SUN at TEATRO GRECO in Taormina in which the band played its own interpretation of some Bach violin sonatas. Always in 2004 SUN toured the States playing also in Baltimore, Wahington DC and NYC, helding also some lectures-auditions into some of the major universities about its own use of ethno-mediterranean roots in elaborating new music, incorporating traditional and heritage sounds into new forms of composition. SUN music is largely used as music for images by film directors or in television. The last band’s work is a series of compositions for a DVD on italian immigration in Argentina, a collection of tunes called "MOLO NORD" (NORTH PIER). SUN is collaborating with a choir specialized in Gregorian Chants, to a new production based on elaborations, interactions and investigation about the Gregorian Chants heritage as the base of Occidental music tradition but also as a genuine mediterranean vocal form in its pure form of reliogious inspiration. The band has is own website email: ------- SOME PRESS QUOTES about SCARLATTI RENDERING Un intreccio d'arte lungo 25 secoli: sullo sfondo solenne delle colonne doriche del tempio di Apollo, il complesso dei SUN (Diego Spitaleri alle tastiere, Dario Sulis alle percussioni e Alessandro Palacino ai sax), assieme ad altre formazioni di musicisti, per il Festival di Ortigia, ha dato vita a un concerto che mette assieme il classico e il modernissimo, il ritmo da discoteca e l'ispirazione barocca, l'oriente e l'occidente. Il tutto davanti a un pubblico chiaramente partecipe, in cui i giovani (e i giovanissimi) non si limitavano ad ascoltare, ma «facevano» la musica, riprendendone i ritmi, battendo il tempo, sentendosi protagonisti dell'invenzione continua di modi e stili… e questo sullo spunto delle musiche di Scarlatti che aleggiano sullo sfondo, si indovinano nelle insistenze tematiche, senza mai restare pura annotazione storica, imbalsamata nelle carte. SALVATORE SCIACCA (La Sicilia 5/7/2002) An art weave 25 centuries long: having the Apollo temple dorian columns as a solemn background, the musical trio SUN (DIEGO SPITALERI, piano and keyboards; DARIO SULIS, percussion and voice; ALESSANDRO PALACINO, saxophones), with the musical support offered by a large ensamble of fellow musicians, specifically for this occasion of ORTIGIA FESTIVAL, played a concert that mixed together classic and post-modern, techno rhythms and baroque inspiration, East ans West. Everything happens in front of a clearly involved audience: the youngsters did't limit themselves to listen. They were "making" the music themselves, following rhythms, beating the pulse, feeling themselves as acting the leading role into the continuous invention of mood and styles...and this all was happening inspired by Scarlatti melodies that always were floating in the background, emerging and revealing themselves into the tematic recurrences, never remaining mere historic annotation, buried onto the paper. SALVATORE SCIACCA (La Sicilia 5/7/2002) * * * …qui è all’opera un trio dalle doti strumentali non comuni, che ha scelto la via più difficile ed angolare per rendere omaggio ad uno dei padri del melodramma. Frammenti melodici delle Sonate per clavicembalo del grande palermitano fanno da guida, la tessitura timbrica poi cerca e trova echi inaspettati sudamericani, nordico, sfiora con mano leggera l’elettropop, lascia spazio a sassofoni e flauti con voci da sirena. G. FESTINESE (Il Manifesto 29/6/2002) we have a trio of real gifted musicians, that selected the most difficult an angular way to pay his dues to one of melodramma fathers. Melodic fragments of the great Palermo borned composer cembalo Sonatas act as a track, while timber texture search and find unexpected south american echoes, or northern, and brush gently electro pop sounds, launching saxophones, flutes and siren high voices. G. FESTINESE (Il Manifesto 29/6/2002) * * * I SUN hanno cercato questa diversa chiave interpretativa, scoprendo uno Scarlatti con una carica sensuale inusuale, capace di colpirti allo stomaco; un grande autore che conosce la strada ineludibile della filologia, ma che non teme il confronto con la musica elettronica e di tendenza. Insomma, un disco veramente bello e stimolante. ALBERTO CORRADO ( July 2002). SUN here searched this different interpretation key and mood, discovering a SCARLATTI with a unusual sensuous charge, that can hit you to the stomach; a great composer who knows the unavoidable philology approach but who can accept every comparison and challenge with every kind of electronic music or trendy sounds. In sum, a truly good and challenging record. ALBERTO CORRADO ( July 2002). * * * Oggi con SCARLATTI RENDERING i tre mantengono stretto l’accostamento tra il Nord America e l’anima mediterranea amplificata dalla rilettura di un autore barocco come ALESSANDRO SCARLATTI, padre di Domenico, insieme al figlio innovatore del melodramma di scuola napoletana. Now with the CD SCARLATTI RENDERING these three musicians maintain the tight connection between North America and mediterranean soul, nearness amplified by this rereading of a baroque composer as ALESSANDRO SCARLATTI, DOMENICO's father, great innovator of neapolitan school of melodramma. * * * …un passo verso l’esaltazione del ritmo (“ISOLE”) che diventa apologia piena della danza nella trasfigurazione house di G-RAVE. GIANNI NICOLA CARACOGLIA (ROCK STAR 15 JUNE 2002) ...a step towards rhythm exaltation (the tune "ISOLE") that become a full dance apologia in the house style transfiguration that you can hear into the song G-RAVE. GIANNI NICOLA CARACOGLIA (ROCK STAR 15 June 2002) * * * Il trio Sun ha composto un omaggio alle sonate per clavicembalo di ALESSANDRO SCARLATTI (SCARLATTI RENDERING): gli strumenti di oggi (percussioni, tastiere, voce) e della tradizione compongono un mosaico che richiama e rielabora la grande classicità. Il gruppo spiega di aver voluto dimostrare l’attualità di SCARLATTI: in realtà perpetua il rito della rielaborazione della musica del passato. Con gradevolezza e buon gusto: per i giovani, ma non solo. GIORGIO VITALI (FAMIGLIA CRISTIANA 16/21 April 2002) The trio SUN has composed a tribute to ALESSANDRO SCARLATTI cembalo sonatas (SCARLATTI RENDERING): today's instrument (percussions, keyboards, voices) and traditional acoustic instruments build a fresco that recalls and revises the great classic tradition. The band explains that its intention was to demonstrate SCARLATTI's modern and contemporary actuality: but, really, the result is the perpetuating the rite of rereading the music of the past. With charme and exqusite taste; for younsters, but not only. GIORGIO VITALI (FAMIGLIA CRISTIANA 16/21 April 2002) * * * Questo cd, oltre ad essere un doveroso omaggio ad un virtuoso della musica italiana, fa trovare il gruppo siciliano al centro di un rischioso e difficile cammino. Grazie al grande amore ed al doveroso rispetto per la musica, senza classificazioni, musica e basta, i Sun si misurano con una grande tradizione musicale. E, in effetti, si tratta di un omaggio non filologico, ma non per questo meno significativo, al grande protagonista del Seicento musicale italiano, molto noto agli amanti del pianoforte. Anche se i Sun sono una formazione di tre persone, la voglia di raccontare storie della nostra terra e ancora più nel dettaglio, del Mediterraneo, ne fanno quasi un’orchestra. Un'intero archivio di suoni ed atmosfere sprigiona dal loro sound, assolutamente impedibile. MICHELE TRAVERSA (Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia 30 March 2002) This CD is a due tribute to a great virtuoso of italian music but is also an experience that put the sicilian band at the center of a risky and difficult path. Thanks to the great love and respect for music, with no classifications and genres, just music, SUN challenges itself with a great musical tradition. And, really, this work is a real sincere tribute but not a philological one, and for this reason not less meaningful, to the great protagonist of italian musical Seventieth century, really beloved and well known to piano lovers. Even though SUN personnel is a trio, their need to narrate our land stories, and to be precise, stories from Mediterraneo, transforms this trio in a whole orchestra. A whole sounds and atmosphere archive radiates from their sound absolutely unlosable. MICHELE TRAVERSA (Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia 30 March 2002) * * * …Proposto nel novembre 2001 al ”MASSIMO” di PALERMO, oggi “SCARLATTI RENDERING” è un disco di indiscutibile eleganza. Come dice Paul McCartney, un disco, per essere davvero bello, deve piacere sia quando si guida che quando ci si trova nella vasca da bagno. Provate con i SUN: esame “beatle” abbondantemente superato. LEONARDO LODATO (La Sicilia 28 February 2002) ...the premiere of the project was presented in November 2001 at ”MASSIMO”, PALERMO OPERA THEATRE, and now the concert became also s CD named “SCARLATTI RENDERING”, an album unquestionably good. Quoting Paul McCartney, a record, to be truly good, must be pleasant both driving or inside the bathtub - taking a bath. Try with SUN: "beatle" style examination profusely passed. LEONARDO LODATO (La Sicilia 28 February 2002) * * * …un disco che lascia senza fiato, per l’idea e per il risultato. Musica splendida, senza tempo e piena di suggestione. E se si può obiettare che il maggior merito sia proprio di Scarlatti, si deve riconoscere che ci vuole del genio per rivisitare un genio. Chapeau. ALBERTO BONANNO (LA REPUBBLICA 26 January 2002) ...a record that can draw the breath out of you, both for the idea and the result. Beautiful music, beyond the limit of time and full of suggestions. And also if one could argue that most of the credit is going to SCARLATTI, one must admit that there is the need of some genious to run over a genious. Chapeau. ALBERTO BONANNO (LA REPUBBLICA 26 January 2002) The band has is own website email:

