• 流派:World Music 世界音乐
  • 语种:英语 纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2006-01-01
  • 唱片公司:Teatro del Sole
  • 类型:录音室专辑


SUN SUN is a band formed by DARIO SULIS (vocals, percussion), ALESSANDRO PALACINO (woodwinds) and DIEGO SPITALERI (piano, keyboards). The band released its first album called “ETHNICITY” in 1997 for R.T.I. Music. Recently the record was reissued by the label “Teatro del Sole”. SUN music is mediterranean-ethnic oriented with strong new age influence very open to ambient and jazzy sound. It’s a work of crossing influences to get a personal sound based on the search of integration among traditional vocal forms and advanced instrumental structures. FESTIVALS: MARSALA JAZZ FESTIVAL (Marsala / July 1995) MUSICA CONTRO LA GUERRA (Caltanissetta / December 1995) IBSEN STAGE FESTIVAL NORWAY (Oslo / September 1996) YOUTH FOR THE PEACE PROCESS (Oslo / September 1996) MUSICA NUOVA IN SICILIA – CONCERTO PER FALCONE (Palermo / June 1997) QUINTO FESTIVAL LUSO - ITALIANO DI ARTE E CULTURA (Faro, Portimao / July 1997) WOMAD (Palermo / September 1998) CONCERTO DEL 1° MAGGIO 2000 (Palermo) FESTA NAZIONALE DI LIBERAZIONE (Roma / September 2000) RUMORE AL SUD (Trani / October 2000) LA NOTTE DELLE STELLE (Palermo / August 2001) SUN INTERPRETA SCARLATTI (Palermo / Teatro Massimo / November 2001) SUN INTERPRETA SCARLATTI (Piana Albanesi - Provincia Reg. di Palermo / January 2002) IL BAULE DEI SUONI (Fondazione Teatro Massimo / April 2002) SUN INTERPRETA SCARLATTI FESTIVAL DI ORTIGIA (Siracusa / July 2002) SCAVI APERTI (ESTATE BOLOGNESE / Bologna / August 2002) IL COLORE DEL MARE - SUONI MEDITERRANEI (Messina / September 2002) WOMAD (Taormina / June 2003) TOUR U.S.A (Baltimore, New York / September 2004) TOUR ETHIOPIA 2006 (February 2006) NAVI CHE PARTONO SAILING SHIPS CONCERT (Stuttgart 2006) Sun is also active composing music for theatre and dance. Following there are some of the works for which the band has composed and performed live: MOLO S. LUCIA MAKALLÈ LIGHEA KU È BENJI MUOVONO ARCANGELI, IL VENTO E I COLORI DE BATTEMENTS D’AILES, EN BATTEMENTS D’ELLES PIANTANDO SESSO E CHIODI SUL PAVIMENTO LE FORME DEL FUOCO The song SUN from the cd ETHNICITY is on board on ALITALIA flights. In September 2000 Sun has received the MEMORY AWARD from the Foggia Festival Jazz (Steve Lacy was aworded in the same year). Sun has recorded a minicd and performed for the ONU summit held in Palermo in December 2000. In 2001 the band worked on the project to reread the music of the great Alessandro Scarlatti, the Sicilian baroque composer borned in Palermo. The project was sponsorized by the TEATRO MASSIMO, Palermo Opera Theatre. Sun played the concert named "SUN INTERPRETA SCARLATTI" in November 2001 into the prestigious TEATRO MASSIMO stage with a large orchestra supporting the trio. The concert became also a CD called "SCARLATTI RENDERING", issued by CNI and produced by SUN and TEATRO MASSIMO. This last project receceived a good deal of attenction from the press and radio coverage. One of the last works of the band is a sort of sound track for a novel book called "LUNGO LE ARTERIE DEL MONDO" which was issued from RAITRADE (RAI, Italian National Television Publishing Company). In June 2003, SUN opened the 2003 WOMAD at the Convention Building in Taormina. The band is also busy into the job of interpreting classical music in a third stream way cooperating with some classical musicians. The last concert of this type was held by SUN at TEATRO GRECO in Taormina in which the band played its own interpretation of some Bach violin sonatas. Always in 2004 SUN toured the States playing also in Baltimore, Wahington DC and NYC, helding also some lectures-auditions into some of the major universities about its own use of ethno-mediterranean roots in elaborating new music, incorporating traditional and heritage sounds into new forms of composition. SUN music is largely used as music for images by film directors or in television. The last band’s work is a series of compositions for a DVD on italian immigration in Argentina, a collection of tunes called "MOLO NORD" (NORTH PIER). SUN is collaborating with a choir specialized in Gregorian Chants, to a new production based on elaborations, interactions and investigation about the Gregorian Chants heritage as the base of Occidental music tradition but also as a genuine mediterranean vocal form in its pure form of reliogious inspiration. The band has is own website email: ------- SOME PRESS QUOTES about ETHNICITY ...tutto qui, se non fosse che questi tre riescono a produrre un lavoro di assoluto valore. Un disco attuale ed elegante intriso di antiche sonorità medioevali e melodie moderne...che ti entrano subito in testa e non te le scordi più, alchimie sonore come in "Giga", il capolavoro assoluto, in cui un'improvvisazione di puro stile medioevale si trasforma senza che neanche te ne accorgi in una melodia moderna. Il termine "geniale" è l'unico che mi viene in mente ascoltando questo disco... da restare di sasso per la qualità dei brani di una bellezza solare che ti conduce a terre lontane. Nella world music d'avanguardia il miglior gruppo siciliano del momento. BOHM LORIS (Traditional Arranged) ...and that could be it it, if instead these three musicians would'nt produce a work of absolute value. A really actual and elegant album imbued of old medieval sounds and modern melodies...that break your mind and soul and you can't get rid of them, sound alchemies as in "GIGA", the absolute masterpiece, in which a pure medieval style improvisation is transformed into a modern melody with a natural continuity that don't let you be aware of this transformation. "Genious" is the only term that comes to my mind listening to this record...remaining astonished for the quality of the compositions that are of a solar beauty that leads you far away to remote lands. For sure, into the field of avant garde world music, the best sicilian band up to date. BOHM LORIS (Traditional Arranged) * * * Un miscuglio esplosivo di sonorità, quello del disco Ethnicity che si è posto l’obiettivo di distruggere i confini del genere musicale inglobando jazz, funky,easy listening in flusso sonoro sensuale e futuribile che a tratti ricorda il furore creativo delle classiche formazioni etniche. Coraggiosi e tenaci i Sun hanno cercato di costruire un raro affresco sonoro disegnatosi come una sfida contro il tempo, un azzeramento delle dinamiche rassicuranti, una trasparente immersione nella propria idea di bello, un capolavoro di avant/ soul molto di più di quello che si potrebbe definire musica d’avanguardia. MICHELE TRAVERSA – (Bari Sera 31/10/2000) The sound of this CD ETHNICITY is an explosive mix of sounds, an open recipe that has the purpose of breaking the limits among musical genres merging and swallowing jazz, funky, easy listening in a unique and continuous sound stream sensuous and projected into the future that in some spots remembers the creative fury of the traditional ethnic groups. High-spirited and relentless, SUN tried to build a rare sound fresco that challenge time, reassured dynamics, and offers itself as a transparent immersion into the band's idea of beauty, a true masterpiece of avant / soul, much more than that one could say avant garde music. MICHELE TRAVERSA – (Bari Sera 31/10/2000) * * * Ecco un disco in cui la musica è vissuta come un’affascinante avventura. Dove le radici permettono un avvincente sguardo verso il domani. ERNESTO ASSANTE (La Repubblica). Here you have a CD in which music has the feeling of a intriguing adventure. Where the roots allow an endearing look toward the future. ERNESTO ASSANTE (La Repubblica). * * * Il gruppo mi è piaciuto ed e è molto interessante e rappresenta una evoluzione futuribile della tradizionale musica etnica FRANCO BATTIATO (note di presentazione del cd Ethnicity). I really liked the band, is truly intriguing and it represents a possible evolution of the traditional concept of ethnic music. FRANCO BATTIATO (notes to the cd Ethnicity). * * * The band has is own website email:

