

  • 流派:World Music 世界音乐
  • 语种:国语 纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2020-12-10
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:录音室专辑


融合YK乐团原创小说,开创世界音乐截然不同的新面貌,罕见古老乐声—里拉琴、西非竖琴,配上吟唱和数位声响,要让世人听见音乐叙事的力量,引领听者一步步进入发人省思与充满冒险的故事—《Árcaron方舟》。内含15首为原创乐曲,同时也为绝迹的塔特西里拉琴首度问世专辑。 ● 2019 全球音乐奖最佳年度专辑,荣获最佳作曲、最佳制作、best of the show、最佳装帧共五项大奖 ● 2020 荣获美国音乐志 Clouzine 最佳双人奖、最佳录音奖 ● 入围 2019金音奖最佳世界音乐专辑与单曲 ● 入选 2019 三月 指标性环球世界音乐排行榜(Transglobal World Music Chart) ● 酝酿5年诞生小说X音乐创作大碟 《Árcaron方舟》为原创长篇小说音乐专辑,全系列共 8 张,小说元素包含神话、未来、解谜等。《双月乐途首部曲:神话的崛起》为全系列首张发行。传说如此之多,却从没有人知晓故事从何而来。一本古老加密乐谱的译码,是否将改变我们对日常世界的想象? 【绝迹乐声复甦】 首张以世界古乐器西非竖琴Kora、古地中海里拉琴Lyre为主轴的原创小说专辑,以传统文化中已失传的文化遗产「Jeli (吟游诗人)」为发想,创建小说主角凯莱尔。故事从凯莱尔在父母遗物所发现的一本加密乐谱展开。古老的神话被流传,却无人得知为何神话里的故事如此说着?世界里看似正常的一切,真的就如我们眼前所见吗?我们从哪里来?你是否也曾有过这样的疑问。跟着《Árcaron方舟》的音乐和故事,一起探寻我们内在的真实世界。 【千年器乐传承】 首张专辑内,主要运用到两个在文化传承中担任重要地位的世界器乐:西非吟游诗人21弦科拉琴、古地中海塔特西里拉琴,将古器乐与数位声响结合,创造一段时空交错的旅程。里拉琴为古地中海琴种,经时间流逝,多数琴种皆已绝迹,仅剩希腊、埃及、衣索比亚等仍保有传统,琴亦在流入不同国家后拥有各自别名。而塔特西里拉琴则是由团队根据西班牙当地三千年历史的石碑Estela de Luna复刻出来的古乐器,石碑于1975年在Luna小镇被挖掘。Yerko为目前全世界唯一演奏此15弦塔特西里拉琴的音乐家。 【典藏盒实体小说专辑】 由台湾设计师吕玮嘉制作。特殊盒装设计,盒上印有水蓝色特色金刷纹。盒内小说封面以特殊3D雕刻压印出由印银、印金、烫银交错的衔尾蛇。该衔尾蛇为巴塞隆纳画家Toni Moll爲《Árcaron方舟》故事剧情设计的原创画作,呈现古老衔尾蛇上特殊的细节纹路。典藏盒内含首部曲小说,拥有三国语言——中文、英文、西语。小说装帧爲能更接近古书风格采裸背胶装,古老手感的纸质带你进入小说世界。当你开始阅读,便会一点一滴从实体专辑里找到进入小说世界的大门。 【音乐制作】 全系列15首歌曲皆为原创乐曲。专辑录音、混音出于西班牙巴塞隆纳Fernando Redondo ( Dinki ),并由美国三度入围葛莱美的Alex Psaroudakis母带后期制作。 ➻ Golden Winner of 2019 Global Music Awards – The Best of Show, Best Composer, Best Producer, Originality, Best Design ➻ Nominated in 2019 Golden Indie Music Awards Best World Music Album, Best World Music Song. ➻ Charted in TransGlobal World Music Chart ➻ Winner of Best Duo & Best Recording in CLOUZINE International Music Awards. Árcaron, the first music album ever to include the Tartessian lyre (an instrument that had vanished from the face of the Earth for centuries before being recently brought back to life), focuses on the West African 21 strings kora and ancient Mediterranean lyres, embellished with digital sound. It has opened up a new horizon unrestricted by the stereotypical limits of traditional instruments. The 15 songs, which inspired a mystery novel we have written (also entitled Árcaron), are arranged in an order that follows the plot, progressing from quiet tranquility to the magnificence of epic poetry. The book contains English, Spanish, and Chinese versions. Árcaron is in fact a series of eight albums. The first, Árcaron – Under Twin Moons I - The Rise of a Myth, combines the aspects of myths of the ancient world, epic fantasy, and science fiction. In the story, the protagonist searches for the truth of the world via a book of mysterious sheet music. The storybook cover design is made to look like that of the book of sheet music, and the printed aqua pattern on the album cover comes from Árcaron folk tradition as presented in the story. There is also an image of an ouroboros based on a drawing done in the third or fourth century by Cleopatra the Alchemist. Its archaic look was achieved through a combination of foil stamping, four color-process printing, and varnishing before finally being embossed, and like books of old, it is perfect bound with an exposed spine. In addition, the page sides are smudged with red, echoing the bloodstains on the sheet music. The CD sits inside the front cover of the book, the notches holding it having been made to look like the full moon and crescent moon in the story, visually bringing you further into the world of Árcaron. • Instrument- 21 strings kora: The Kora is the harp of West Africa, or more specifically of the Mandinka ethnic group and the lineage of the Djelis, which means “those who tell stories or sing poems”. They are focussed in an area that currently extends throughout parts of Senegal, Casamasce, Gambia, Mali and Guinea.The sound of the kora resembles the celtic harp on the low notes and the spanish flamenco guitar with the improvisation of the high notes. There are a few historical records that say mention the first recognised korista. This man was Jali Madi Wuleng. Some say that Jali appears in the era of emperor Sundjata Keita (1217 - 1255 AD) and others Kaabu o Gabu empire (1537 - 1867 AD). The Kora in Arcaron - Under Twin Moons I - The Rise of a Myth is Modern Kora The kónsuls are replaced by wooden tuning keys, of the spanish guitar, electric guitar or bass. They say that the first koras with tuners were built by Catholic monks installed in West Africa for a French priest. The priest wanted the sweet sound of the kora in songs in Mass, but for the musicians it was not easy to be continuously changing tuning between songs. So to meet this need they became pioneers in the construction of the first kora with tuning keys as well as the first chromatic kora. • Instrument- Tartessian lyre: The ancient Mediterranean lyre is an instrument that has become well known thanks to the few instruments found in archaeological sites, similar to the countless portrayals in Sumer, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Celtic, Tartessian cultures, etc. The Tartessian lyre in Arcaron - Under Twin Moons I - The Rise of a Myth is the recreation of one of the oldest string instruments of the Iberian Peninsula. It was created based on an engraving representing a string instrument similar to an ancient Mediterranean lyre. This engraving is on an anthropomorphic funeral stele dating back three thousand years that was found in the town of Luna (Zaragoza) in 1975. The characteristics of the engraving are very similar to the style of the Tartessian period (10 to 6 B.C.), hence the name of the Tartessian lyre or the Spanish name for its place of origin: lira de Luna (lyre of Luna). Thirty-nine years after it was found, Yerko Lorca funded and directed the recreation of the fifteen-string Lune stele lyre, forming part of the Grupo de Recreación de la Música en la Iberia Antigua (GReMIA), which includes musicologists, researchers, luthiers and musicians. • Product Info Product Including Arcaron I Novel (Chinese, English, Spanish), 15 original songs CD, exquisite box, size 14.5*25.4*2.3cm Recording / Mixing : Fernando Redondo, Spain Mastering : Alex Psaroudakis ( USA ), nominated 3 times in Grammy

