Jacqueline has been composing gospel songs for over fifteen (15) years, a gift given to her by the Holy Spirit who is her dearest friend. The idea for a children’s album came to her after speaking with a gospel artiste who after listening to a few of her songs requested that she share a few of her children’s songs with her. Jacqueline chose songs from her catalogue that are simple, easy to learn, catchy, fun to sing – just what children like. So she decided to do a compilation of children’s songs. This is still a work in progress, so this is a preview of two (2) songs from the compilation. Enjoy! The album features a few of the over four hundred (400) gospel songs that Jacqueline M. Cameron has written. She received the gift of composing by faith after asking God for it. Through her songs, Biblical principles are taught, the presence of God is experienced, and blessings are poured out. The songs are simple, easy to learn, yet with memorable and beautiful melodies. It is Jacqueline’s desire to share them with the world so others can be blessed also. Listen to them with great expectations! Jacqueline is a Jamaican by birth, an engineer/manager by training and experience and also a musician who loves playing the piano and composing. The publication of the album symbolizes victory from the enemy as her music progress has always come under attack through attempts on her life, torment, distraction and efforts to discredit her. She has had near car accidents, was held up at gunpoint, her eye was almost stuck out and has been choked on numerous occasions. One time, at a stoplight, she felt a push in her face during a robbery attempt – on examining her face after the incident, she saw a puncture wound on the bridge of her nose, right between her eyes! God delivered her as he usually did as she is a lady with a purpose. So the album represents triumph after fifteen (15) years of battle and over these years, she has been transformed from a frightened believer into a strong warrior. These are typical comments Jacqueline has received concerning her songs: 'Your songs are lyrically sound, catchy, the Word of God and should interest a music publisher like Integrity'. Keith Childress, musician/songwriter 'Your songs should be sung by Ron Kenoly’. Andi Green, Gospel Artiste 'You wrote these songs! Very good, they should be published internationally’. Dawn Bennett, Drama Minister