Wonderfully Made

Wonderfully Made

  • 流派:New Age 新世纪
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2014-06-08
  • 类型:EP


As his first EP release, "Wonderfully Made" represents a combination of songs that show where Jacob has been and where he is going. Psalm 139: 14 says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know that full well." What a great reminder of how God has knitted us together from the beginning and the promise that He will never leave or forsake his beloved creation. We have and always will be His love. The title track "Wonderfully Made" (track #3) reminds us of this verse. There are times in life where we feel like God only sees us by our sin. We wonder how God could possibly see past these blemishes and love us when we are covered with stains. But God doesn't see us like we see us, He sees us through His Son, who sacrificed His life so that we could be redeemed to our Father. He sees what He has made and not what we have done! The first song on the EP, "Listen" also comes from a time of sin that we all face at some point in our lives. There are moments that we look for answers in this world and we listen the world's whispers while at the same time we ignore the very shouts and promises of God. We feel like we know what is best for us, yet we ignore the one who can see the bigger picture. "Listen" reminds us of the power of God's word and how it should be our focus and our strength to hold on to in this weary world. The following song, "Be Sure" was written during a difficult time in Jacob's families life. His sister's husband was in the midst of losing his mom to a battle with cancer. When words can't be enough in life's most difficult times, who do we look to for promises? Even in the midst of doubts and the darkest times, God's promises are an overflowing stream of hope and grace. "Be Sure" is a proclamation of the assurance of our salvation through Christ. He is our anchor in troubled times and we can rest assured in the promise of eternal life with Him. The fourth song, "It's Not Over", continues to remind us of the promise of salvation through our Savior. There are people who walk through this life on broken ground without the firm foundation of Christ to stand on. But with him there is forgiveness and we know that once we leave this life, it's not over! We are promised eternal life with through Christ! There is no greater promise or hope for us to hold on to. The final track, "Oh My Strength", has a Hallelujah chorus that points to where are strength truly comes from. Jacob wrote this song in the midst of one of his most difficult times. As a teacher and singer, he was struggling with vocal fatigue from the overuse of his voice. His doctor recommended he spend two weeks in complete vocal rest with no talking/singing at all. His job and love for singing depends on his ability to use his voice, and when it was taken away from him, he faced many doubts and struggles as to whether singing was in his future. But it was in this time of silence when God spoke to him the loudest. "Oh My Strength" is a reminder that in our time of struggle or weakness, we are surrounded by an unending, everlasting love that we can experience only through Christ.

